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Imagine a generic trash harem manga.

Right, let me rephrase: imagine any harem manga. I admit the first line may have caused undue stress due to every harem manga being generic trash. It’s unfair to make anyone sift through the genre in search of anything remotely resembling either quality or, Heavens forbid, originality.

Now that we’re all on the same page, we can start analyzing the pattern: an everyday man with absolutely no attractive qualities beyond having the kindness of the average middle-schooler (a trait that, we’ll admit, may as well be a superpower in his given setting) is surrounded by a number of girls desperately throwing themselves at him, showing him their lingerie in ever more unlikely ‘accidents,’ and making him take frequent trips to the hospital either via punch-fueled air-delivery or through erections so intense they actually bleed out of his nose (through an emergency release valve that anime anatomy has wisely installed up there to avoid undue, dangerous pressure on the far too vulnerable, oversized ocular orbs—proof that anime, contrary to the real world, adheres to intelligent design… well, semi-intelligent).

So, we have a group of sexually attractive people regularly interacting, desperately wanting to ‘interact,’ and then we get to the conclusion. And what do we get?

The fated girl (usually the first one, because she has more screentime) and the protagonist exchange a soulful glance, close the distance, and, with no fireworks interrupting… they kiss.

And that’s it.

A minimum of three seasons with as many OVAs, enough sexual tension to heat up the Cold War, plenty of girls clumsily trying to show him their favorite color via impromptu Victoria’s Secret’s fashion shows, more accidents in the communal hot springs that can be explained by any paranormal investigator… And they just kiss.

Personally, that’s why I always felt eroge (or, at least, some eroge) was more honest. A kiss may signal the beginning of a relationship, but it’s still on probationary grounds. As long as the couple keeps bashfully looking at each other while failing to hold hands, that is no more than puppy love. Going further than that… It feels more momentous, more definitive. It’s…

Well, it’s important enough that, when sex happens in a story, usually the story is about sex.

And all that entails.

Because, as Shizu turns her body to the side, more bashful than I would expect after everything we have already done, and starts unbuttoning her vest while Iroha keeps fiddling with the tripod-mounted camera…

Well, this is about sex. It’s explicitly about sex. About my first time.

And… All that entails.

Namely, the woman I love offering to give herself to me.

I… I think I’m about to faint.

“Hachi?” she asks with none of the sultriness she displayed when teaching Iroha how to give a striptease and a fair bit of anxiety on her expression.

“Shizu?” I answer, my eyes drawn to slender fingers playing with the last button of her stiff vest, already parted by the released pressure of her bust.

“I…” she hesitates. Swallows. Looks away. “Do you… Do you want this?”

I look at her. At this gorgeous woman who—


I look at her. At this woman who has done so much for me—


I look at her. At this woman I love.


I take two steps forward, and my body almost brushes against hers. She still isn’t looking at me, afraid in the same way I’ve so often been, not showing it in the same way I so often haven’t.

I take her hand away from that last button, my fingers interlacing with hers.

I take her chin and gently raise her face until her eyes meet mine.

“I love you,” I say once again, for what feels like the first time, as heat keeps building up over my chest and my shallow breathing makes the words come out in an airy gasp, almost a whisper if whispers were so rushed, so intense, they felt like they took a year of memories with them when they left you.

And I kiss her.

Her lips are soft, the taste of artificial cherries once again masking that of her skin, and I linger on them, not even daring to have my tongue peek out of mine. Her scent fills my head once again, but this time it’s indefinable, beyond compare. There’s no trace of lavender, jasmine, or any other thing beyond… Shizu. She smells of Shizu, and that fills my world.

I finally separate, somehow feeling like I should be taller, towering over her, when in truth I’ve had to pull her down to me, to have those trembling, watery eyes looking down at me.

“That’s not a yes,” she finally says, her own voice filled with marvel and a slight wavering that makes me desperately want to wrap her in my arms.

“It’s not,” I agree, but I rush to continue before she can be hurt by a stupid misunderstanding, “because I need you. ‘Want’ is too weak a word for what I feel for you.”

She stares at me, a disbelieving smile trembling on lips I could never deny.

“You idiot… You are going to make me cry.”

So I hug her, getting on the tip of my toes so I can cradle her against me, my head over her left shoulder, my face buried in her hair, my mouth beside her ear.

“If this is the only time I’ll make you cry, I’ll be the most fortunate man who ever lived.”

Shizu shudders against me, and her breathing comes out in short, watery tremors.

I keep hugging her, rocking back and forth on my stretched calves.

And I never want to let go.


I let her go.

I’m sitting on Shizu’s bed, Iroha by my side, and the owner of this piece of furniture has excused herself to the bathroom, making my sappy thoughts cruelly short-lived.

“You are too dangerous, Senpai. It’s a good thing you have the two of us to keep you in check,” Iroha teases me as she pokes my sides.

… I mean, I think she’s teasing me. She may have actually properly assessed the threat my sealed transformation poses to an unsuspecting world without convenient reset buttons in the shape of properly numbered collectibles that a dragon may feel slightly offended by.

Balls. Heh.

Oi, Shenron, what does it say about you that you’re willing to grant a wish to anyone who will fondle your balls? Is it so lonely in—

“Stop ignoring me…” Iroha says with what, now that I look at her, turns out to be a pretty cute pout.

Right, and I’m supposed to be the dangerous one. Your foxy, ninja ways are as cunning as ever, my sworn vassal.

I’m going to milk that little fantasy of hers until she begs for mercy.

Then, of course, I’ll keep doing it. It’s not like she’s likely to hand me another weakness like that in the near future, so it’s my moral obligation to exploit it as much as possible and not let even an ounce of embarrassment-fueled blushes and cute, frustrated pouts go to waste. Recycling is good for the planet, you know?

“Like I could ever ignore you,” I finally say, making her look at the floor with a pink tinge on her cheeks that makes me think how bad of an idea would it be to actually release the seal on—

“Sure seemed like you could, five minutes ago…” she ends up grumbling.

“Are you... jealous? Because you know I—”

“No! Well, a bit, of course, because she’s going to be your first, and she’ll always be, but…” she trails off, fidgeting, still refusing to look up at me.

So, like she did to me not even an hour ago, I cradle her cheeks between my hands, the peach fuzz gliding over them so soft yet intense a sensation I almost stop just to savor it, and gently turn her head toward me.

“But?” I ask her, for once inviting rather than demanding.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them.

And light, shimmering honey once more fills up my whole world.

“But you’ll be my first. And you’ll always be.”

I don’t know who hugged who, just that we are holding one another, our bodies tightly pressed, warmth once more rushing over my chest.

“Always,” she mutters right beneath my jaw, her hot breath searing yet soothing.

“Always,” I answer, not knowing quite to what, yet agreeing nonetheless.

I kiss the top of her head, my hands wanting to explore the body I’ve yet to learn, but…

“Soon,” she says.

“Don’t force yourself. I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

She burrows her face on my neck, a trace of wetness from her lips almost making me shiver.

“Oh, I’m sure the wait will be an ordeal… Not like you have someone else to entertain you, is it?” And there’s a chuckle in her tone, but…

“Iroha, if you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to—”

“I do. It’s… I’m not forcing myself. I… I may not love her like you do, but I’ve seen enough of her to understand how you love her, why you love her, and… And I may not love her like I do you, but…”

“But there are different kinds of love, each unique to the person you share them with.”

“It’s very pretentious to quote yourself, Senpai.”

“Really? I would’ve thought I just saved you the embarrassment of doing it yourself.”

“How magnanimous of you. Now I’m looking forward to recording your face when Shizu finally decides to put you in your place.”

“Oh? And who’s going to record your face when I put you in yours?”

Senpai!Not that voice!” she says, leaning back so she can look at me with reproach as she weakly punches my chest.

I kiss her lips, and we both laugh.

“Never change, Iroha.”

“You want me to remain as I am forever and ever so you can keep enjoying your youthful, cheeky junior? I’m sorry, but that’s impossible, Senpai. I’m planning on having you change me, after all.”

And I look at her, at that smile that…

She kisses the top of my nose and gets up, disentangling herself from my arms.

“I better get the camera ready,” she whispers.

“Wasn’t it ready before? Wait, you recorded that—”

“Of course I did. Shizu will want to look at it for years.”

Remembering the tearful, happy face of my teacher, seeing how she came undone with relief, joy, and… and something that feels indecent to so casually mention right now…

“I want copies.”

“Way ahead of you.”

There’s a knock at the door, and Iroha rushes behind the tripod.

Suddenly, my throat is dry, because there’s only one other person in this apartment, and it’s a bit ridiculous that she would knock on her own bedroom’s door, but that’s so utterly Shizu I can’t even—

“Come in!” Iroha cheerfully calls out.

And, before I’m ready for it (as if I ever could be), the door creaks open.

She’s there, in the middle of the opening, as if it was made for her, as if the whole house had been built just to frame her silhouette in this very moment, the light coming from the living room shining through her hair, tracing her outline in warm tones.

And she’s wearing… Oh, gods, I’m…

Iroha lets out a low whistle. I sympathize.

Because Shizu is wearing dark purple lingerie. An embroidered bra that pushes her already impressive cleavage together and upward, lacy panties that are almost transparent letting her creamy skin peek through except in one vital place, and…

Garter belt.

She’s wearing a damn garter belt that’s holding up fishnet stockings.

Stockings that dig just enough into her thighs to showcase the softness of the flesh beneath before the elastic bands are stopped by the toned muscle. That show a diamond pattern of purple over ivory, that…

Garter belt. A fucking garter belt.

This is so unfair…

“I… How do I—” Shizu’s shy fidgeting is interrupted by Iroha frantically raising and shaking two thumbs up in the periphery of my vision.

I agree. Wholeheartedly.

So maybe I should say as much?

‘Thank the gods. I thought I would’ve to force you.’

Oh, Brain-chan. You’ve been unusually quiet.

‘Not much blood getting up here...’

“You are absolutely stunning. You’re so incredibly gorgeous I can’t even come up with a sardonic way to tell you how much. You’ve incapacitated me. You win this round, Shizu.”

“I’ll make a note that I only need to spend a fortune on lingerie to get you to shut up for once. A price worth paying,” she answers with a wry tone.

“Oh, I absolutely agree…”

“Is this foreplay? Is this how you two get in the mood?” Iroha intervenes.

“Hardly,” Shizu says.

“Well, ‘hardly’ may be the right word…” I clarify.


“What? I’m just saying, taking my pants off won’t be easy after seeing you like this.”

“You’re absolutely impossible…”

“And you’re impossibly beautiful. We make a good couple.”

And suddenly, I have a blushing Shizu right in front of me, her hands on my cheeks.

“You talk too much…”

“Then shut me up.”

And she does.

Her lips press against mine just a moment before our mouths open and… And something flows. Something beyond warmth, because it has too much fire, something that feels like it will consume me, leave me spent after it passes and takes a part of me with it.

Something that… will change me.

Shizu presses forward, and I fall back on her bed, the mattress yielding under both our weights as she follows me down, our tongues entangled and not letting go.

My hands start unbuttoning my collar, and hers untuck my shirt. We don’t rush, our twisting kiss not allowing us to do so, but soon we meet in the middle and the piece of clothing falls open.

Then she takes my belt, and she finally leans back, looking down at me.

“Are you sure you want me to—”

“Shizu… I needyou.” And there’s that flash of happiness that carries a trace of sadness with it, too many hurtful memories—

So I grab her shoulders and drag her down to me.

“Are you sure you want me? Because you’re gorgeous, beautiful, loving, kind, smart, funny, witty, special, and I—”

“I’ve never wanted it as much as I do now,” she breathes out, her tone shuddering.

I turn us over and I crawl back, standing at the foot of her bed, looking down at her.

I shrug my shoulders and let my shirt glide down my arms.

I’m exposed to her eyes, my naked upper body on full display.

And I don’t see rejection, apprehension, hesitation…


I don’t even see hunger. Just… wonder.

Under her unrelenting watch, I undo my belt. Then my zipper. My button.

I… I have to put some effort to get them past my uncooperative obstacle, but then my pants slide down.

My boxers aren’t up to the task of hiding how much I’m reacting to Shizu, and she certainly notices as her eyes travel up and down my body. I am just standing there, in front of her, looking at—

Her arms twist behind her back, and I can hear a soft snap before the marvelous bra slackens.

She leans up, her elbows supporting her weight, and smiles at me before shrugging her shoulders.

And her bra falls down.

I’ll never get tired of this sight.

Her marvelous breasts are once more offered to me, displayed beneath teasing lips. Her nipples are erect.

Then she hooks her thumbs at the sides of her panties, which I just notice she’s wearing over her garters, and her hips sway languidly, each movement from side to side accompanied by a slight lowering of the elastic fabric bunching up.

She stops when there’s only a line of stretched purple blocking my sight of—

I look up at her, and she’s biting her lip, an impish smile teasing me while her hands remain still. Then her eyes lower from mine and get stuck on…


Slowly, I hook my own thumbs at the sides of my boxers, and Shizu’s smile widens. As slowly as she did, I bend down, the elastic band following my movement until it gets stuck on… Well, what else?

Shizu takes a sharp breath, and I feel stupidly flattered.

I look back at her, and she’s completely and utterly still. Then I bend down further, feeling the strain as something else is bent further down, and she leans forward, her panties once more sliding down her hips.

My member finally makes it out of my underwear, bobbing in the air. And Shizu falls back on the bed, but her legs travel up. She’s lying down, her hair sprawled around her, her long, toned legs pointing straight at the ceiling, the new angle leaving that backside I’ve so quickly grown fond of completely bare, and something else in the middle of soft thighs glistening in the soft, diffuse light of this bedroom with purple-gray walls.

Behind me, Iroha gasps as quietly as she can while I swallow reflexively.

Then I hurry to take off my socks, because there’s absolutely no way I can possibly make that even remotely sexy.

‘Good. Didn’t feel like pointing it out.’

Unfortunately for Brain-chan, before I can properly get into a quipping battle with him, Shizu starts rolling her panties up her legs. They are barely more than a stretched line of purple when they reach her knees, by the time they arrive at her calves, they are so scrunched up they visibly dig into the yielding curve, and then she bends her left leg until her thigh is pressing down against her wonderous chest, freeing it from the piece of fabric, and the lacy panties unroll as she… dangles them from the tip of her right foot.

Wordlessly, for once in my life, I approach her, and she lazily lets her dainty foot turn from side to side, as if teasingly denying me something.

I reach forward, and she stops moving. Then I take the offered panties.

“If you keep these, you’ll have to return the others,” she says.

And I remember.

A promise made in silk, after I covered her with my seed in the middle of a park, the scent of dark earth not near enough to cover what we had just done.

“I have them in my jacket,” I say before I can stop myself.

She looks straight at me, her eyes far too focused, too intense.

“Later. I want you to show me later.” And then her right leg drops slightly down, her foot resting over my chest.

My hands reach up to her ankle without requesting any input on my part. The silky feeling of her skin is broken up by the smooth threads digging into it, adding variety to already entrancing perfection. And then my fingers slide down.

The shape of her, the toned muscles, the graceful curve of bone under skin, the way she shivers at my touch…

I’m soglad Iroha is recording this.

Her offered panties drop on her bed, and both my hands reach her thigh.

I lean forward, her foot sliding up my body, and I lay a kiss on the taut muscle of its arch as it reaches my face. Then I let it go past my head, smooth skin gliding over my shoulder as I keep leaning forward, leaving a trail of kisses down the marble-worthy limb until my hands reach the very edge of her fishnets.

I look at her, my face right past her knee, my breath washing over skin I know to be almost too sensitive, and I see her swallow.

Then I smile, and she bites her lip.

I keep moving forward, her leg on my shoulder a gentle guide, almost a suggestion, and my fingertips trail over her, making her gasp at my light, teasing touch over a few spots that I burn in my memory.

Then I reach her hips, and I very carefully avoid that shimmering place I know to be even more sensitive than what I’ve already teased.

My arms slide beneath her thighs, my fingers digging on top of them, and I kiss that spot on her inner thigh that Haruno has watched me tease before, the place that always makes her twitch. And she does.

My smile widens.

She falls down on the bed, her elbows leaving the mattress as her hands go to my head, her fingers tracing deep, soothing lines over my scalp.

“Are you sureyou’re a virgin, brat?”

“Well… Technically,at least.”

She snorts, a chuckle following that makes her eyes crinkle close in merriment.

And then I finally lean forward all the way and taste her.

She gasps, my lips drenched with her excitement, and my tongue makes it past my lips and into hers. I trace her shape, her opening, my tongue pointed yet slow, careful, methodical.

She throws her head back, one hand leaving my scalp so she can bite on her knuckle, and I almost cheer.

Then I lick up, finding that nub that is all but begging to be nibbled, and take it between my lips before I suck on it as my tongue circles it.

And… well, I will never say this out loud for no less than a double-Yukinoshita interrogation, but…

The alphabet trick works.

My tongue keeps changing directions over her, stimulating different spots at different speeds and intensities, all the while my eyes are fixed past her parted breasts to look at her head twisting side to side, at the glimpses of her face as she whimpers around her knuckle.

Also, she has shaved very recently.


So I keep at it, enjoying her surprisingly mild flavor, but not half as much as every little sign I get that she’s enjoying this, enjoying me—

And her hand clutches my hair and pulls me up.

I can feel my chin’s drenched as I look at her, at the wild look in her eyes as the saliva-slick hand squeezes her breast, her fingers digging in, making the soft shape balloon up.

“Enough…” she all but rasps. “Enough. I need you.”

And then I’m crawling up the bed, her legs invitingly parted around me, until my face is above hers.

And she licks my chin.

“Don’t want to get my face sticky,” she explains with a shy smile. “Not yet.” And her smile turns slightly sharper.

And her legs wrap around me.

I’m right at her entrance, the heat of her sex wafting up to mine, my precum already dribbling down my shaft.

“I…” I look at her—as if I could look at anything else—and suddenly remember something that may be kind of important. “Protection?”

I don’t want to ask, because I don’t want to break this moment, this flow of events where everything seems to naturally follow all that preceded it. A mirror of our own relationship in the way we finally got here after… Everything.

After I met her.

After I realized the bossy, carefree homeroom teacher had a tendency to play favorites.

After I discovered I was one of her favorites.

After… A year. A year of my life changing, everything spiraling out from the moment she decided to take me beneath her wing, to show me a place where I could belong, people I could love and be loved by, learning about…

Well, what else?

Something genuine.

“I have an IUD,” she says, shy, as if ashamed by the fact.

I drop down on her, and kiss her.

My shaft is gliding over her folds, slick with both our juices, her breasts mashed by my chest, her legs wrapped around my waist, her hands buried in my hair.

Our lips touching.

I open my mouth and nibble on her lower lip until she parts them with a moan, then I let my tongue seek hers out, circling her before retreating into my mouth, inviting her to follow.

She does.

We dance like this for a while. My erection is stiff to the point it makes our movements awkward at times, but I’ve no other desire than to keep enjoying her skin gliding beneath mine, to let that fire between our chests grow, to keep tasting air that’s gone through her before entering me.

After what feels like ages, I push up with my arms, her face beneath mine begging during the moment it takes her to regain her soft, inviting smile.

“I’m glad you do. I want to feel all of you during our first time.”

And she smiles, a trace of fear of rejection once again leaving her at the simplest of gestures, at these little things I keep luckily stumbling on.

Once again, I swear to keep doing them until the day there’s no more fear, no more doubt. And then I’ll keep doing it, because why waste good habits when you’ve already built them?

‘How energy-saving of you. I approve.’

I’m flattered you do, Bain-chan. What about the naked, delicious Christmas Cake between our arms?

‘Oh, that I definitely approve.’

Then you’re going to love what comes next.

“Shizu,” I tell her as I slide a hand beneath her nape, my fingers massaging the twin lines of muscle, “I love you. I’ve loved you for longer than it took me to realize. And I’ll keep loving you, this wonderful, beautiful you, until the day I die.”

“You can’t promise that. People change, drift—”

“I can. If there’s a Hachiman Hikigaya that doesn’t love Shizuka Hiratsuka, it will no longer be me.”

Then I grasp my shaft and guide it between slick folds. And push forward.

She accepts me effortlessly, her mouth open in a silent circle as her eyes show twin trails of tears once again.

I stop halfway in, my teeth clenched at the intense feeling of her, of the pressure, the heat, the… Everything.

“Guess I’m no longer technically a virgin,” I say with an almost rueful smile.

Her arms tangle behind my neck, and she drags me down until my weight once more rests on her body. Then, with an unsteady voice, she whispers into my ear:

“Not over yet.”

Then she does something I guess you need a couple of martial arts classes to learn (or that my mind is far too preoccupied with other stimuli to process), and I’m lying on my back, looking up at blue eyes still wet with tears that belie the smug grin beneath them,.

Also, tits.

I mean… I’m only human, you know? You can’t expect me to ignore such astonishing examples of hopes and dreams. They are as full, as firm as I remember from when she wrapped them around me while Iroha sucked on my tip till I—

From the corner of my eye, I can see Iroha still behind her camera. She’s not even masturbating, her clothes still on except for her jacket, and I don’t know whether to be disappointed by that fact. Seeing me looking at her, she raises over the tripod and looks at me with a smile far more tender than any I’ve yet to see from her. Her eyes are glistening, and she wipes them with her sleeve.

‘Love you,’ she mouths at me.

I smile at her, the heat around my member just as intense as the one rushing up my chest. Then Shizu sees me smiling at something behind her, and her pleased flush intensifies with something else added to it. Slowly, she turns to look over her shoulder, her hands on my abdomen keeping her steady even as I feel her corkscrew around me.

“You… Did you get all of that?” Her voice hitches, her throat presumably raw.

“You are beautiful. Both of you. Together,” Iroha answers, her own voice unsteady with something that contains more happiness than I ever hoped to hear from her.

Shizu melts, yet more hidden tension fleeing her body as she starts to process our girlfriend’s comment.

And I grab her hips and pull her down as I push up.

She throws her head back, her long hair flying with the sudden motion, and her open mouth lets out a yell that sounds sweeter than anything I’ve ever heard before.

Oi, ever thought about becoming a voice actress, Shizu? I’m sure there’s a certain genre for which you’d be very suited.

On the other hand… Mine.

“You… You aren’t supposed to—” she starts to gasp, her eyes once again looking down at me.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be gentler when it’s Iroha’s turn,” I answer with… dare I say it?

Right. A deep voice.

“That’s not at all what I was going to—”

I push up once more, and a gasp cuts off her line.

“Oh? How inconsiderate of you, Shizu. You’d want me to be this rough with your cute, little girlfriend? Are you so eager to see her disheveled face as she’s overcome by—”

“Senpai!” I turn my head to the side and see her. Iroha, face almost crimson, panting, gasping.

Grabbing her breast.

“This… Senpai, this isn’t about me…” she finally finishes.

“No,” I agree, “it’s about us.”

And I reach up, grab Shizu’s neck, and pull her down into a searing kiss.

Her body presses down on mine, light enough that I can distinctly feel each entrancing curve, soft enough that they mold against me, firm enough that I can feel each shiver running through her.

Her hands grab my hair, and she keeps me down as she raises her head enough to glare down at me.

“I’m not your plaything, brat,” she says, sapphire glimmering with inner fire.

I thrust up, and her eyes clench shut as I grind my hips when our pelvises mash against each other.

“You are. And I’m yours.”

Her eyes shoot open, and her hands go to my shoulders, pushing down as her body arches up in a display that will be forever sealed in my memory—and Iroha’s flashcard.

Is that tripod nearer than it was a moment ago?

Also, her blouse is now undone.


My eyes go back to Shizu’s, and she clenches around me.

“That’s a good lesson to take away, Iroha: sex can be many things. Intense, emotional… playful.” She bounces her hips once, and I can feel her ass slapping down on my thighs. “You can play roles: domination and submission, exhibition…” Her arms leave my shoulders and travel up her body, gliding over her hips, her sides, her breasts, until they tangle on her hair and raise it up, her whole torso and neck twisting in a graceful display that makes me throb inside her. “Plenty of things. As long as you have permission.”

She glares down at me for a moment, and then her lips sharpen into a grin.

“And Hachi just gave me permission to play with him.”

Her hips corkscrew once again, and she raises and falls with every turn, my hands desperately clenching her gray, cotton bedspread that I very dearly hope isn’t hiding any ash stains.

I mean, my sense of smell is currently far too engaged with other… stimulants to bother with tobacco.

“I… think I need an adult?” I uncertainly ask.

“Oh, you certainly do,” she smirks, and drops down with enough strength we bounce on the mattress.

Her eyes close once again, her absolutely maddening lip-biting once more shown to me for my full enjoyment, and I…

Let’s just say that the Sharingan may still have its uses.

Shizu is lying beneath me, her wrists clasped in my grip, her arms over her head lifting her breasts so they quiver with each shallow inhalation.

She opens her mouth, possibly to make a sly comment.

I shut her up.

My hips push forward as deep as I can go, and I grind our bodies together as she whimpers, her head twisted to the side as if offering me her neck.

I lean down, and I take it, my tongue traveling up its side, lingering on a little nook right in the middle of it that I decide to suckle when I hear her sudden gasp, her arms going limp in my grasp.

I nibble the skin around the sensitive spot, occasionally sucking on it as my hips move slowly yet forcefully, grinding atop her every time I bottom out.

Then I get so distracted, so utterly absorbed by the beautiful woman beneath me, by the sweet notes I can wring out of her, that my grip slackens and her arms snake out of my hands.

Then she wraps her arms around me, holding me, clutching me, and her legs do the same until I’m wrapped in the body of the woman I love in all the ways that matter but one.

“I’m so close,” she whispers, and I can feel something almost snap at the words.

Then she kisses me, the last critical bind she could hold me with, and my hips almost blur.

Our lips are mashed against each other, the brusqueness of the motion not allowing our usual gentleness but compensating with even more hunger. Our moans and whimpers get lost between our bodies, little more than a rumbling vibration in our molded chests. A wet, slapping sound fills the room.

I can barely spare enough attention to see a naked Iroha adding her own contribution to said wetness, but Shizu is all too encompassing for me to get distracted right at this very moment.

She clenches once more around me, but this time there’s a rhythm to it, and her body holds me tighter, almost stopping my movements.

Then her legs weaken, and I almost get entirely out of her body.

And I suddenly push forward, fully surrounded by her warmth, and that thing that had gone taut mere moments ago finally snaps.

I feel a torrent of fire go out of me, jet after jet lost within Shizu, within her accepting embrace, each twitch of my body accompanied by further release and by her own clenching spasms as her nails dig on my back to a point that borders with pain without crossing over to it.

Her lips finally leave mine, her head buried back on the bed with all the strength her taut body holds, her eyes clenched shut, her mouth a tight line.

She shakes once, twice, thrice.

And we fall down.

We are limp, sweaty, gasping for breath. Weak.


There’s a dragging sound, and a naked Iroha plops down on top of us.

I think about making a sarcastic comment, a joke that lightens the mood.

I think about telling them both how much they mean to me, to repeat once again that I love them, that I forever will, no matter in which way I may do it in the future.

I think about a lot of things, but they are sluggish, slow thoughts, and Shizu is tenderly petting my hair while Iroha’s languidly kissing my cheek.

So, surrounded by their warmth, their embrace…

For once in my life…

I let go.

And the last thing I feel right as I fall asleep with a smile in my face…

“I never thought I—”

I don’t know who the voice belongs to, nor the end to that line. I probably never will.

But there’s no loneliness in it. And that’s enough to make my smile that much lighter as I finally fall into a rest that’s been delayed for too long.



And this is the kind of quality smut I dredge through the interwebz for!! Also, YES, I agree 10000% percent on the kissing thing, Hachiman!


Thanks! No need for dredging in here... I hope :) The part about eroge being more honest is a bit of a personal opinion, I'll admit, but it's more from the time where what was available was more "Seasons of Sakura," and less "Taimanin Whatever." It got to the point where I refused to play visual novels without sex scenes.