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Hello, my uncanny Patrons!

This month I'm trying out a different sort of poll with a different sort of goal. I want you to vote for every indie title on this list that you'd love to have a guide to reading and collecting (as well as any other options that represent your opinion). 

You don't have to read this whole post to vote - feel free to jump to it! Vote for as many things as you'd like. More votes are better.

Why are you voting entirely on indie guides?

My list of missing Marvel Guides continues to dwindle, although there's still a few big guides ahead. My list of DC Guides to-dos is lengthy, but has a logical order of attack to alternate between big and small guides (and one will be arriving very soon).

That's not to say you'll never vote on Marvel or DC guides again, but this month I want your help in testing the waters on a potential new project.

(There's also the X-Men Reading Order revisions and my YouTube channel waiting for my attention, plus perhaps some coverage of the Tiger Eyes Marvel Omnibus Secret Ballot after a year-and-a-half hiatus from that - all of which are nudging along behind the scenes.)

Usually I keep splashy new projects for CK under total wraps until I'm ready to launch them. I don't know why. I guess it's my version of doing a BIG REVEAL announcement and having the content ready to drop right at that moment, like a surprise new season on Netflix.

Except, that was I habit I formed back when I didn't have a chance to have a dialog with an ongoing audience of true supporters who are making CK possible month-in and month-out.

Right now, the only two non-Marvel, non-DC comics with guides are Conan and Star Wars - both launched with the support of this campaign! You've seen a few indie book guides on my polls in the past, like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Hellboy. 

Yet, in any given month at least 30% of my reading consists of licensed and indie books - some of which have huge universes and tangled collecting options of their own. 

My Idea: The Crushing Comics Guide to Indie & Licensed Comics

My big idea is to launch a third major landing page on Crushing Comics entirely for non-Big-Two characters and titles. The page would have two sections - one for characters and titles, and another for publishers.

The big positive of these guide pages is that they take a much shorter time to complete than a new Marvel or DC Guide, with a few exceptions. 

(I know this because I've already drafted a few; we know I love data, yes?)

I think I can likely build up a significant lead in pages and then keep them flowing on a regular basis both to you all and to the general public. That'll give you more value for your pledge, and me more content and SEO opportunities for CK. Right now I'm leaving this space wide open for other sites to own. I conducted a brief competitive analysis, and as with my launch of the DC guides in 2017, I don't think anyone is doing this as thoroughly as I would.

There's almost 100 of you now (!!!), so I'm hoping we can get at least 25% participation in this poll this week. That would give me a solid indication of what you are and aren't interested in.

There's a particular group of small indie pages I plan to launch regardless of if/how/when I go ahead with this new section of the site, but your votes will help me prioritize how deeply I dig into this project in my downtime in the coming weeks.

Vote early! Vote often! And, smash the ❤ button below this post to let me know you've seen it.



I'd find a guide to the entire Invincible universe useful?


Invincible seems like a solid choice to me - it's a straightforward series, but it's been collected in several formats that seem to confuse folks.

Andrew Edwards

Yeah is everything okay? Been quite for a good few months now both her and one site