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Finally! The first pic of Christmas 2020 is done!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜† 

To be honest, this pic was a little bit a nightmare 🀯 

As you guys know, I’ve sent the line art version of Master in the bathtub along with another pictures as the rewards of  last month, after that I started coloring it about 75% and I realized that I didn’t like it!πŸ˜’ It wasn’t working out so well especially colors, light, shadows, and background πŸ˜“ After serial hours I didn’t want to wasted any more time on it. So, with my artist intuition, I decided to draw the new one the angle. And~~~it tuned out better! I quite happy with the results!πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜† ( because of that, it took me a long time to release a new artworkπŸ˜…)

Well, what do you guys think about this one?😁



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