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Also on Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@toplesstopicstv/video/7244631232753978670?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7190473760471156270

And instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cte7IESOgim/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

In case you didn't know, I've been doing daily short videos about a variety of subjects, which I put up on Tiktok, Instagram and Youtube (though some videos get banned from one or more platform (: ) Some of them are about topless equality, some about nudism, some about other progressive political issues, some are just fun. 

Of course, given that TT/IG/YT are at the top of the list of "platforms that have most often banned Topless Topics," the videos are all fully clothed, as even when I censor out my heinous female nipples, the videos still get banned for "implied nudity" e.e

BUT if you follow Topless Topics because you're interested in what I have to say, not just ogling what I have under my shirt, then I hope you'll follow me on the social media platform of your choice to keep up with my daily goings-on (especially as I'll be posting a ton when I'm at Vidcon NEXT WEEK, aaahhh!)! And please interact with the posts as well--like, comment, etc. It means a lot to me to see actual engagement, it improves the chances that my posts will show up in your general timelines (if you never interact with someone on social media, even if you follow them, the platform will assume that means you're uninterested in them and their content will stop showing up on your home page feed), AND it helps increase the chances that my content will show up in the suggested feeds of OTHER, potential new supporters!




As for actually-topless videos, I'm still making those occasionally, and I put them up uncensored at https://videos.trom.tf/c/toplesstopics/videos then, if I have time to edit a censored version, I put it up on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/toplesstopics . However videos like these take a lot longer to make, and especially going into summer where my kids will be home with me 24/7, it'll be even harder to get them out. But maybe this Vidcon I'll find a video editor to hire--that would be a huge help in getting higher quality videos out, more frequently! Since all my content is banned from monetization when it's not banned outright, and sponsors won't reply to any of my emails, paying someone like a video editor is dependent on patrons just like you--so thank you so much for helping me keep Topless Topics afloat, and hopefully someday, we can establish a team so that I can really crank up the productive notch. :)

If any of you are going to be at Vidcon Anaheim this weekend, please say hi to me! I'd love to take a selfie with you and give you a free Topless Equality shirt as thanks!


topless transwomen banned at White House #pride event, but not a topless transman 🙃

at a #biden #government sponsored #pride event, a group of #transwomen #trans #activists were banned from attending future #whiteHouse events for the heinous unforgivable sin of posting chests-without-tops videos to #socialMedia, while the #transMAN right next to them who was ALSO chest-without-top, DIDN'T get banned. how curious! honestly if you're surprised, you're not paying attention over and over I've said, what better demonstrates the blatant #sexism and #misogyny of how a #transfolk or #nonbinary person gains or loses the right to go without a shirt in public and on #socialMedia? how is it not #transphobic AF to tell a transman "we don't care what you identify as- until you've had #topSurgery, #thepatriarchy has decided that you still look too female, and therefore will still be subjected to #censorship that all #AFAB and all #cisWomen face"? how is it not transphobic to say to a transwoman, "good thing you are flat chested with broad shoulders, that means you still get to enjoy the freedom to go shirtless in public as all AMAB and #CISmen!"? and that's not even getting into the nonsense of assigning gender, and therefore restricting rights, of those who identify as #genderless or #genderfluid! WHY ARE MORE PEOPLE NOT OUTRAGED BY THIS?? how are the vast majority of #Americans, even supposed #liberals, #leftists and #progressives, just so unthinkingly accepting of this continued #injustice?


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