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wow we are almost 200 members - thank you all for your support.


I hope you liked floor 7, I think you can see the improvement compared to floor 8.

These are the events for version 1.1.0

- Slave interrogation scene. (Lysandra interrogates her slave)

- Secondary mission, rescuing the clan soldier from the stench.

- Scene goddess of the clan fucking the offering.

- Battle 1 against lysandra: first form

- Battle 2 against Lysandra: 2nd form (Lysandra power up)

- Battle 3 against lysandra 3rd form


The 3 battles will have many renders so I don't know if it will take me 1 or 2 weeks, I will be letting you know how it goes, I have already finished the literary script of the 3 battles. (the 3 battles will be followed one after another).

(I got experience with the general battle, I had a lot of fun with their fight, I guess you did too)

At the end of floor 7, a vote will be taken for the new guardian of floor 6, it will be published on Patreon and the one with the most votes will be the next guardian.





seems cool, you've definetly earned each member. Loving the game so far