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UPDATE 3/20/2019:

Items you can claim using your accumulated rewards:

  • The Letter Merchandise - see image above.
  • Digital Sketch (150 points) - click here for details.
  • Love Esquire KS Rewards (except limited tiers) - click here for details.
  • Love Esquire Merchandise -  click here for details. 


Hello gang! We bring you awesome news! :)

Ever since the release of our Kickstarter physical rewards, a lot of our players were asking if there's still a way to purchase them outside Kickstarter. We mentioned that a webstore will be coming soon, and today, we're happy to announce that it's finally live!! :D

Click here to go to Yangyang Mobile's Webstore 


That's great! But what does that have to do with us, your Patrons?

We're very grateful for your monthly support! It helps lighten our bills and helps keep Love Esquire's development alive. Since before, we've been thinking of ways to further increase your benefits (on top of the default monthly rewards), and with the release of our new webstore, we will be implementing a special Patreon accumulated rewards system.

How it works is you can get our merchandise for FREE using your accumulated 'Lifetime Support'. For example, if your lifetime support amounts to $45, you can use those points to exchange items that total to that amount or less (i.e: 3 single keychains). 

For now, we can only offer The Letter merchandise. I know some of you supported us because of Love Esquire, and if ever we'll have merch for LE in the future (UPDATE: you can now claim LE merch using your lifetime points here!), we'll be sure to include them in our accumulated rewards system. So if you're not interested in claiming anything for now, you can just continue to rack up those points for future use! :)

But to those Patrons who are interested, just message us anytime which items you'd like to exchange, and we will keep track of your remaining points. 

*NOTE: This system also applies to our former Patrons. Even though your patronage was only for a limited time, we're still very thankful for your support! If you're a former Patron who'd like to redeem an item(s), please message us!  

Thank you so much again for your support, and if you have any questions, please let us know!




Oh my gosh I love this!!!!!

Sad Panda Studios

I think Patreon updated the way we can view 'lifetime support' because I'm having a hard time finding it now... I can see current pledges under 'Your memberships' but nothing about lifetime support. Do you know where I can find that info?