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Hello everyone! 

We haven't said a proper* thank you yet for helping us achieve our first Patreon goal! We're all very grateful for your support, and we look forward to bringing you more updates! 

*By proper, we mean with an accompanying waifu sketch. ;D

New Stretch Goals

We have assessed our situation, and decided to re-work our stretch goals. Producing video blogs was supposed to be our next agenda, but we realized there are more important things we need to prioritize. Hence, here are our new goals:

  • YYM Dorms ($500), so we can provide a place closer to our HQ for members who live really far. With this, our team would be able to dedicate more time for development and improving our games.
  • Physical Merchandise ($700), to be sold on our upcoming webstore. Patrons will get a discount! [EDIT 03/15: With the release of our new webstore, this has become a special Patreon accumulated rewards instead.]
  • Video Blogs ($1000), for the extra marketing boost!
  • Partial Voice Acting ($1500), so our future games will be more polished! We'll work alongside professional voice actors who'll breathe life into our characters!

Regardless if we hit our succeeding goals or not (though we're hoping for the best!), we're thankful we got to meet such supportive and patient fans who tirelessly believe in our dreams! This is the best goal of all! ♡ 
