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Hello gang! Happy Monday! ^-^

Today we're taking a break from the usual Love Esquire stuff. We're also taking a break from video games and hopping into the world of tabletop gaming.

For the past few weeks we've been developing a card game inspired by The Letter! It’s called ‘Pass the Letter,’ where the goal of the game is to eliminate as many letter cards (L) on-hand by passing them to other players. The player(s) with the most amount of letter cards by the end loses.

We’ve only been testing this part-time, but from the few playthroughs we've had, the experience has been real fun so far (especially with the alliances and eventual betrayals happening between the players). It's kind of a friendship-ruiner: In order to win, you need to drag people to the mud by giving them your letter cards. As Isabella aptly puts it, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this"!

This game was originally made during the holidays because a few of us here in YYM were bored. But after improving and balancing the game and having the rest of the team try it once work resumed, we saw that there was potential to this. As such, we're planning to have a public playtesting soon with a couple of friends/colleagues. Once we've finalized the gameplay down to a tee, we'll begin producing the actual card art. :D

Buuut, there's a major problem: funding for manufacturing. 

Producing thousands of copies (or even just hundreds) of these are not cheap, and we don't have the budget for it at the moment (funds are being eaten up by Love Esquire & production of physical merchandise for The Letter's original campaign). We're thinking of putting this up on Kickstarter when the time comes. 

So having said that, would you guys be interested in playing a card game inspired by The Letter? Your answer would guide us if we should continue with this side project or not. :)

P.S.: Sorry for the quality of the photographs! We don't have a professional photographer, only a wannabe! *cough* Eko *cough*



Mrs Emma JK

I like this idea! Certainly, it looks fun and it's easy to understand how to play the game! The cost factor though is REALLY important - could you charge people more money for the cards if you had images or artwork from the game or a extra reward (a little diary from the times of The Maid or a copy of her necklace)? X


The cards, by default, would really have The Letter art work in them; the pictures above are just very, very early alpha/prototype version so we can immediately test the gameplay. We don't have to charge extra money for art since having art is one of the basic features anyway. :)