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Hello gang!

I deeply apologize for the lack of updates. A lot of things have happened these past few weeks, the biggest of them all was The Letter's Full Release on Steam. This kind of sucked all our time, energy and resources, as everyone in the team focused on bug fixing and marketing the game.

Anyway, we have a little bit of breathing room now, and we're slowly transitioning part of our team to work on our next project. Which brings me to my next news...

We are dropping Project Yuri. Or rather, we are putting it in the back-burner for now. We were unsure which direction to drive the game forward, and ultimately decided to take a step back and start a new project. Don't worry; it's not dead, and there's a chance we might get back to it in the future.

So what's our new project?

Introducing Project Squire (tentative title), a medieval-fantasy dating sim-RPG hybrid. Since we just started this project a few days ago, we don't have much to share with you yet. We're still ironing out the concept and the gameplay system. What we can share, however, is that there will be five beautiful waifus to woo. The picture above is Waifu #1, which we affectionately call 'The Nurse'. :D

In the next updates we'll slowly reveal the mechanics of Project Squire, as well as the concept art of the remaining waifus. 

Thanks for reading! ♡




Thanks Emma and Christopher! Hopefully we can deliver a wonderful game again! <3 We're still busy ironing a couple of things out, but once we have more progress we'll post it here as soon as possible! Thanks again for supporting us! :D

Mrs Emma JK

I think this character we design is perfect!