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Given all the power he gets from our sun, in my world, the Man Made of Steel has several unique ways to dispatch the various super-villains (and this guy's main crime is wearing way too many clothes). As an Alpha male, his huevos are filled with superseed. He merely needs to psychically milk that super prostate into a frenzy so he can let loose, and nearly drown his enemy in cum.

Any similarity to persons real or fictional is purely coincidental.




funny !

Jeff Smith

Talk about hyperspermia!!! FUCK!! I know that on the one hand, this image is silly, but on the other, it's outrageously hot! I freaking LOVE the idea of Superman being so insanely virile that he can damn near drown a man in his thick and funky super seed. Just imagine the ungodly pressure inside of his hulking stud nuts for them to CONTAIN so much stud juice!! And geezus, his spunk is so thick and clotted and dense that it's nearly as much a solid as it is a liquid! Mmm, I'd love to see the Man of Steel held captive by a cabal of evil villains, and his hyper virile loins raped of their prime stud jizz over and over and over again. Imagine how many oversized receptacles he could fill in just one DAY of steady milking!


I want to a comic with this guy and other heroes against a bastion of evil cyborgs. Yours is a great idea for a chapter.