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They workout together at the gym all the time, pushing each other beyond his personal weight limit. So when Owen challenged Brad to try a different kind of weight training, Brad didn't give it a second thought. After all, Owen's help with the gym weights had helped Brad get the body he know prized. But when they got to Owen's private lake and Owen opened his backpack and lugged out ballweights and a parachute device and tit clamps, along with a 22 pound free weight, Brad wondered if he'd be able to meet the challenge. He refused to be outdone, but the smirk on Owen's face as he stood there with that parachute device and three weighted balls on hanging from his nuts made it clear that Owen was very familiar with this kind of weight training. "Don't be such a pussy!" Owen said, that shit-eating grin growing broader. Brad had a new goal, to be able to outdo Owen with the ball weights. He knew it was important to have goals. 




I can work on that, but it will have to be when i get back. Thanks for all the feedback. I have some great ball props now. More us coming, but I'm scrapping my original comic idea and switching to something simpler that would have a cbt section, and those images will show up here. Thanks again.

Jeff Smith

SUPER excited to read all of that! :D And I corrected my comment above -- I had the names wrong, and it's BRAD who I gravitate toward.

Jeff Smith

I'd love to see Brad's mammoth gonads stretched past his fucking KNEES!! Though I'm sure his mighty ball cords are so strong that it will take a hell lot more than just 22 pounds to achieve such a glorious and erotic stretch...