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TLDR: #65 Frieren's release pushed back to 4th of March, 2024.

Hello bunnies,

This is probably the first time something like this happened. I don't like pushing back release dates. It affects everything else after and messes with schedules and tasks unrelated to Sugardust.

Still, I am taking the advice to take time off. I don't really want to talk about what is happening but at least I can share that I am not well in my head. We'll probably be okay.

We'll see you bunnies back again on March 4 for #65 Frieren's release. The next Character Poll is coming soon so look forward to even more new entries to our pool of characters. Until then o/




Understood, take your time, I hope you get well soon.

종현 박

Health comes first. I hope you make a full recovery.