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Animation #60

Our first release since our holiday. ( ´ཫ`) This one's a little longer than usual. o7


I believe we're reaching Timeline levels my hardware struggle to keep cool. Our motion data's about 7 minutes (my longest yet) though we don't normally release with a video runtime this long (our usual's about 2 to 3 minutes on average). 

Still, given enough time (as long as our schedule allows it) we would prefer to focus effort into the smaller details within the scene instead, and save other positions or angles for future releases. We do want to try to cramming in as much as we can but Time is always running out as usual heh.

I don't really have much else to say about our #60 release. It was a beast to work on for sure considering the duration, though I don't think I learned anything new - maybe besides learning something about the hardware I'm using for our work.

I'm still hoping for a Timeline upgrade eventually where I could separate the direction axis(?) of the shoulders and hips so we could have reactions behave a little better. We're hoping a new modpack release would include a plugin that would fix that (at least without requiring a follow-up download to use future scenes).

Anyway I'm figuring out certain things about our next release (#61 Fauna). I'm thinking the ideas I have might be a little too ambitious given we don't really have much animation time with our short release cycles.

At the end of the day, I believe the actual POV seggs content matter more than the theme or setting anyway so I will try not to overthink or even overdo too much, lol. I'll see you guys again next release to see the result of this contemplation. ( ´ཫ`)



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