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Animation #49


Geez. Isn't this my longest one yet? The Scene Data for this one reached 4min30s. This release I had to work semi full-time on and I still ran out of time but I guess the experience made it worth. Though... I wish I could've had the time to add a few more ideas I wanted to try but it's fine, we can use them for future releases instead. (and the itch at the back of mind knowing I could've improved a few things would tickle me for the next few days)

I've also noticed where my current hardware's limits are too, noticing dips below 60fps in cases where the characters are way too close to the camera. Unsure if that's a vanilla thing or if a plugin, or even Reshade, is doing this, but no worries it doesn't cause any problem at all.

Man, remember that time I said I should simplify my releases and not overcomplicate things? Lol and we still make releases like this. It's fun, though, I can't help it.

Anyway, I'm gonna have an actual rest day now. I think I cooked too long and burned myself in the process.




Kitchen can’t always be cooking. Gotta close up, clean up, and prepare for another day. Thanks for your hard work!