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[Download Links for #38, #39 and #40]
Hey ya, please know that for releases #38, #39 and #40, their download links will be in their own video posts. You will find temporary download links in their own video release posts.

This is just mainly because I don't think there is a way to schedule/automate uploads onto the Google Drive main video collection folder.

Eventually, after I get access to my PC again some time end of June, I will merge them manually to the main collections folder and remove the temporary links.

[June Schedule]

#38 Tokino Sora [ETA ~May 31 - June 2]
#39 Twitter Update 1 [June 4]
#39 Twitter Update 2 [June 7]
#39 Nilou (Part 2) [June 10]
#40 Twitter Update 1 [June 13]
#40 Twitter Update 2 [June 16]
#40 Noelle [June 19]
#41 Reserved [June/July]
#42 Hoshimachi Suisei (Patron's Reservation) [July]
#43 Reserved [July]

(Some of these posts are scheduled/automated uploads using Patreon's and Twitter's schedule feature.)

I'm expecting to have access to my PC to continue work towards the end of June and I am really, really hoping there wouldn't be any flight problems/customs issue for the air freight.

Uwaa~, with my university life over, I'd finally also have the time to do everything I haven't been doing including updating our Discord, releasing side character videos, and definitely more time to spend on Studio.

I'm exhausted. I will take my well deserved short break during this downtime.

[Contacting me during my downtime]
I will not have access to my Patreon and my Twitter for about two weeks. I will not be able to respond to any messages through those channels temporarily - my current phone cannot be used for those apps 'cause reasons.

I do have access to my Discord app on mobile though so please use that if you wanna reach me for anything urgent.

Thank you everyone for the continued support. (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡

edit: [Discord Access] you'll have to link your Patreon account with your Discord account to get an automatic invite to the Discord server. It's free. Link it in your Patreon settings page then use the Discord mobile app/desktop app for access.



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