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Animation #79

Character Poll is starting in a few days as scheduled on August 13. Right now I'm still busy with converting and modifying some of the new characters to fit our postprocessing setup so look forward to new characters for all the titles - especially the new games.

I'm also celebrating my birthday (it's not today) right after this release so I'm gonna be on leave for a few days.


Just a quick little worklog here. I didn't really do much else besides being focused on modifying the new characters we'll have for the character poll. I might have got a little too focused on that though, 'cause I did end up using some of the time I was saving meant for working on this release.

Still, I think it'd be worth it to get the new characters quickly up and running - at least to fix some of the physics horror of some of the models with individual hair pieces.

For an example of one: I've managed to finally tame the wild beast that is Kronii's model due to having nearly over a hundred accessory slots that I had to spend nearly a full day on. This included testing which hair piece or accessory piece that had physics that was causing big performance drops and also deciding which accessories we wanna keep and deleting the rest. All in all, these kinds are the worst - not to the fault of the model though it's just that we want to modify them to the specifics we need them to be for our Studio.

We'll complete and update the schedule on our Character Poll post coming in a few days, so stay tuned to the expected dates.

Until our next release, stay safe. o/




Have a happy birthday! Sending love <3