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Animation #71


I might be missing something but even at about ~3 minutes into the Scene data on Studio, I was already having performance issues with Timeline. I usually start getting this about ~5 minutes or more, so I must have added too many of something - maybe too many interpolables, or the keyframes? Maybe it was having too many Dynamic Bones force interpolables and keyframes? I am not sure. Lol, again the more the reason I hope that plugin we've been talking about helps resolve some of these performance problems. 'Cause trying to scrub through the section I'm working on to see how it looks means I can't exactly see how it looks at the framerate we'll be using - also man do the physics go very weird when Studio is lagging.

Fortunately though it is only when the Timeline is open so there were no recording problems as usual.

I've also been planning how I wanna handle motion when we finally split our X, Y and Zs. When the time comes and the plugin gets installed, I'm still not so sure yet if I could adapt that fast to a new workflow so it'd still take a while to get used to working with separated movement. I am optimistic.

Anyway, nothing new to report besides I am feeling a lot better and am recovering fine. I should be able to get back to training before my military service in a few weeks. I'll go ahead and start planning tomorrow for our June Character Poll in a week's time too.

Up next, our final character from the previous character poll; Shiori. Might already have an idea.



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