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Animation #70


I spent too long in the CharaMaker.

It's rare but we do eventually run into models not 'built right' for my use-case, for my Studio or for Sunshine. The card put a bunch of obstacles in the way making the tweaks and converting the character for our setup took far longer than we'd want.

Custom headmods, especially, is a 'head'ache when their sliders do not match the sliders we usually use. Also, the 'headmod' here don't even allow us to modify any face bones at all. We couldn't do a bj animation for the model just because of this as it was impossible to resize or move any of the face/head bones like the mouth or cheeks. We'll look for other solutions, or outright replacing the model, in the future.

It took time away to fix some smaller things like neckseams skin colour not matching with the body so corrected this on an image editor. Or the 'hitomi' is 'missing' because of the custom headmod, and we had to spend time tweaking the iris to make it 'gaze' properly - it is when the iris do not go far down enough when the character looks up or down, or when the pupil hides behind the eyes completely. Usually fixed by resizing the 'hitomi' maintex and adjusting the iris size sliders on CharaMaker - this is also something we ran into before when making Frieren's release and something we'd probably put into a future Creator Workshop.

In fact, the biggest problem here was her main 'hair accessory' dropping all the way to the floor and not sticking unto the character's head at all forcing us to find other means. Reading the KK Discord, it seems to be a problem when a 'mod' isn't set up correctly so that's beyond our control.

I had the biggest 'head'ache with this character.

Speaking of headaches, I'm still sick. A virus affected our family recently, not the COVID one, but it did make me sick for a few days - with the runny nose and sorethroat kind. Good news is that it didn't make me too sick that I couldn't work on our release. I'm getting better but Su-chan and I will take another day or two to rest properly after this goes live.

Everything tastes like I'm chewing on cardboard.

 Anyway, I hope in all of my daze I didn't miss anything important when releasing this.

Have a good one ya'll. o/



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