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Animation #68


I switched the Block Len/Division (Timeline) partway making this. I don't know why I didn't think of that before in previous releases when trying to introduce a new segment which is usually another shot with faster character movement. It gives better speed control, at least for me, and lets me place looping actions closer to one another.

Why didn't I do this before? Who the hecc knows I swear I'm not dummy sometimes. After all, I think with my PP most of the time. :heh:

I was constantly moving shadows, tuning the lights and tweaking Reshade, and starting over when I didn't like it, again. To be honest I'm not sure if I liked the final decision in the end, lol, but we had to push forward with it anyway 'cause Time won't wait.

By the way, we're really capping at a few major angles for non-1stPlace character videos. These releases are given a lot less time than our 1st place winner release that we're kinda making the other releases inconsistent with video duration and number of major shots. We'll leave it to see how our workflow and schedule evolve over the coming year before deciding if we want to make changes to our release cycle. At the moment, 1st place winner releases would continue to be allocated more time while the rest remain the same.

Anywho, I'm quite liking our new setup with the Reshade and light stuff. We'll continue to tune and tweak as always while we continue to find that perfect sweet spot of the style I'm trying to achieve.

I'm not artistic nor creative enough to know right away the tweaks we need, so instead I'll have to continue to trial and experiment as always.

See ya'll bunnies next release.



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