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Did anyone tell y’all how gorgeous y’all are today? No

Y’all so sexy and have a beautiful soul 🥰

But on a serious note, I just wanted to say that I hope no one was offended by the Rise video. If you been here long enough you know I don’t tolerate no form of bullying and that me and Redemption 46 staff are big on women empowerment.. We see women as equal so I hope y’all weren’t triggered by the video. Hopefully y’all watched the whole thing and understand we’re everyone was coming from. And if you didn’t I asked people to Dm me or comment their experiences on the matter… This Patreon has introduced me to some of the best people I’ve ever met. We do videos and bring up certain topics so the redeemers can teach us things. K-pop us so many beautiful elements to it but we get there is also bad stigmas or narratives that outside forces wanna push… Let’s talk about it. This is a safe place.. Me and the guys wanted your input because this is some peoples only space to express themselves without being ridiculed or bullied… If you disagree with anything we ever say or want to teach us/put us on game; teach us and show us (respectfully)… The best thing about this K-pop journey is learning.
And if any of y’all are being bullied, I personally fly to your city and beat your bullies ass (I swear on BTS 💜)

We can invite some ladies on the panel and zoom call redeemers and have this discussion again if y’all want. I’m down for learning and hearing everyone’s experiences.

Love all of you… be safe out here.. love yourself and show love to others 💜


Xia Lias

I am really thankful that I read your message because I almost didn't make it through to the end but because I read your post first, I did. As someone who is nonbinary but anatomically female I may see things a bit differently. I have been asked more than a few times in person by why either my friends or random people why BTS. Why do I love them so much. They get shocked when I said because if BTS I am still here, as a whole. Some even confessed that they thought they were like stereotypical American boybands and had preconceptions about them. My friends know I am gender blind and I do not notice looks first so I did not quite fit what they had "imagined" so they wanted to learn more. In this regard I see it both ways from a fangirl and fanboy point if view. That is the only way I really know how to put it. If you want to know more let me know this maybe a long one. Maybe I see things differently because my older sister can be seen as a diehard Backstreet Boy fan. Posters, concerts, merch from overseas, merch from home and etc.. from the outside world and to our parents, they called her crazy. But I knew the truth, Backstreet Boys saved my sister in her dark times. Having heard multiple times that she was crazy, frustrated me. I can literally go on and type forever about this, if you want to talk then you can dm me. I appreciate your honesty,


You touched on an amazing point.. I don’t call my way of thinking non-binary but I definitely always look at people as humans 1st. I don’t judge or take gender, ethnicity, etc into consideration when I’m dealing with people… I guess my logic is always just treat everyone with love and respect… guess I gotta remember that everyone doesn’t think the way I do… I think people should be allowed to express themselves out loud


Not got much of weight to add to what everyone else has said in the comments so well and thank you for hearing everyone out and really being so genuine always. For me the reality of the way women are treated in relation to music and well, a lot in life, has been driven home so many times. I was a big soccer fan and travelled around the country to see my team and my passion for it was regularly dismissed or not even listened to as a woman. When I listened to music and it was music male friends were passionate about, they were fine but the moment I strayed away (in their eyes) even friends who I was particularly close to dismissed me and when challenged on it said I was being 'hysterical' which kinda proved mine and every other point here. Men never get hysterical in the eyes of the world, only women. Men are always passionate instead. I allowed it though to an extent before BTS. Then when I found them, saw how much hard work they put in, the lyricism, the dancing, THEM and everything WE all see in and from them. I was so excited to share their talent but again it was dismissed as 'great production but well I can't get away from the fact they're a boyband' This from someone whose fav group in the world is the Beatles. The Beatles who when you read about them in the early days were also dismissed as just a boyband with hysterical female fans until a man decreed them cool. Its sad and infuriating and has definitely changed my opinion of this person i trusted and of course if I try to explain my POV, I'll just get a roll of the eyes. His loss of course where BTS are concerned but this is from someone who views himself as open-minded and who i always thought was. I know he and anyone like him would say 'don't take it so seriously' but BTS and anything (such as my old football team I still love but don't actively support these days) that takes you away from your day to day concerns even just for a second IS serious, is important and we would say that for anyone and allow it and appreciate it and that includes for women too. Sadly sometimes I feel like we're getting further away from that rather than closer.