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This one is a little tricky (and one of my fav cases bc of how interesting it is and how it reflects onto our main characters) Was that dude a little sketchy? Yes. Did he deserve the sentence that he got? I don't think so. I personally think that the thing that had her so nervous to the point of harming herself was her mom and her disapproval. They even mentioned that she said that the reason why she was hesitant to have sex with him was because she knew her mom would get mad if she found out NOT because she wasn't interested in having sex with him. The questioning from the prosecutor actually pissed me off so much, like she never asked any actual pivotal questions (i.e. "do you know what consent means?", "did you regret having sex with him?") Like it was so clear that everyone just dismissed her opinion just because she has a disability and never cared to even asked how she actually felt about the event.


I totally agree with you! The prosecutors intent was to create doubt in her mind which I hated cause, to me, it was as if she was using the girl’s disability as a tool against her and her own thoughts. It was very sad.

Exekyute (Kyu)

I saw someone comment on a video somewhere else that the reason Youngwoo isn't able to stand holding hands for long is because she is always shown stimming with her hands, so not being able to do that makes her very uncomfortable. I love how detailed Park Eunbin's portrayal of Youngwoo is.