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I wanted to just keep you guys updated on what’s been going on this week since nothing has been posted yet. Without going into the specifics, I had probably the worse tooth pain of my life since Christmas Day and have probably slept an hour in the past two days because of said pain. I finally was able to see the dentist today. Problem has been solved, thank God, however, I can’t really open my mouth wide and my throat is pretty swollen.

Annoyingly, this whole situation has thrown my plans for this week for both the channel and patreon content out of wack, because I haven’t been able to film more. Thankfully, I am on the recovery end of this now, so things will return to normal next week for certain.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting but hopefully you’re understanding.

FYI: I was able to film RIIZE and Treasure videos earlier this week, so those will post tomorrow. Also, my Top 23 songs of 2023 I filmed last week, will post on Youtube tomorrow.

Sorry this is so long! I can’t wait to be past this so I can get back on things. Talk to you guys soon 💙



Tooth pain is really bad I was through with it too 😖😖😖 Hope you recover soon. Waiting for new content as soon as you get well. Happy New Year ☺️


hope you feel better soon!