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Do you think Vegas did poorly??? His character was significantly softened for the needs of the series. And above all (SPOILER about the book), in the book Vegas didn't electrocute him and didn't torture him. He raped Pet regularly.


Are you referring to me saying I expected more from him during that sex scene? Cause I was mostly joking since we saw his red room with all the BDSM..I expected that scene to be more extreme lol, but also… I can’t believe he’s worse in the book and I can’t believe he does that to Pete and regularly…yuck. I’m actually glad they omitted that from the show because it’s not necessary, honestly. The sexual assault attempts and torture are already riding a line. I’m still not a huge fan of his character. A small part of me does sympathize with his situation, but I can’t let go of his actions. That’s just me though.


I am so confused to a lot of what's happening as well XD But I'm having so much fun watvhing this with you! I'm so excited for the final two episodes though hope we get closure to everything XD Also Marry Christmas to you as well! or as we say in Norwegian "God Jul" Hope you'll have a good christmas time! :)


Haha, yes and same to you! The show is really good and really wild, I love it lol

Selene Ledezma

The fact that Porsche doesn't know what happened between Kim and Porchay breaks my heart because Chay is suffering alone and making dumb decisions, even after Porsche tells him his dream is Chay getting into Uni :(


I knoooooow 😭 He’s too precious!, i’m really hoping he doesn’t descend into darkness because of this. My fingers are crossed!!


To be fair, Vegas already ticked off flogging last episode when he took his belt to Pete. If it all felt a bit sudden, it shouldn't have. There have been several instances throughout the series so far to suggest that Pete not only likes BDSM, but that he also has an interest in Vegas. I think he tried to deny it at first because Vegas is, as you put it, unhinged. But now that he's had a chance to get to know him, and now that Vegas has opened his eyes to what Pete can offer and is returning that interest, Pete has decided to indulge himself.


The story with Kinn's two friends has been featured briefly in previous episodes, but it was very subtle. Basically, Time (the dark haired one) and Tay (the fair haired one) have an open relationship. Time sees other men, but is committed to Tay. Tay, on the other hand, doesn't want an open relationship anymore but puts up with it. Time has been seeing Porsche's friend, Tem (who seemingly likes Time a little too much). There was a scene in episode 4 or thereabouts where Tankhun and Porsche went to the bar that Porsche works at. Kinn, Time and Tay joined them, as did Tem and Porsche's other friend, Jom. We were shown Time reaching past Tay to touch Tem on the shoulder, and then later Time was passed out on the sofa with his arm around Tay and Tem more or less sleeping with his head in Time's lap. There was a further scene an episode or two later where Porsche visited the bar for some advice on his love life, and Jom was there with a drunken Tem who had, according to Jom, suffered a heartbreak. It seems that they might have been setting up something for a second series, but that's all fallen through. It's an absolute travesty that we never got a Tay/Time/Tem poly relationship.


I meaaaaannnn I guess lol… I do remember in one of the first episodes Vegas smiling at Pete and he got all giddy about it but i never thought about it further than that, or at least, I didn’t catch any other hints, but I definitely didn’t catch onto Pete being into BDSM, but torture and BDSM have a thin line and this, to me, seemed like Vegas crossed it so it throws me off that Pete would still be interested in that way…but, hey, if they’re happy, i’m happy lol


the actor who plays Pete actually had to take a break from filming his scenes with Vegas because he said he got too deep into character that he actually mentally couldn't handle it he forgot who he really was cause the scenes were so toxic. However both of them are amazing actors. Vegas is just so broken his actions are unforgivable but I do feel bad for him he just wants to be loved


They found each other, lol. After this episode, it could not be more meant to be lol


Yeahh honestly after kinn and Porsche got together the show lost its pace to me and they crammed the second couples’ plot into a few episodes but still a very good watch of a show but I definitely think they could of fledged out Vegas and Pete’s relationship like as it is kinda giving Stockholm Syndrome rather than romance and the novel being significantly worse than this always gets me but it’s a pattern with that Author, her books are always rape and SA filled a lot of consent lacking and just toxic relationships , I’m pretty sure she wrote tharntype and if you’ve seen that it speaks for itself ,


Vegas lasting five seconds in bed is so on brand for him also they wrote kinn so stupid bc as a mafia boss who sent your man on a secret mission that he didn’t report from and his grandma told him one thing and he just believes it without any confirmation but what do Ik ig


Don't get me wrong, nothing Vegas has done so far in regard to Pete constitutes BDSM because it's been done without Pete's consent. With the exception of when they had sex, of course. You're right, he's crossed that line. I don't think it was ever Vegas's intention to have sex with Pete, either. He just wanted to humiliate and hurt him because he's Kinn's bodyguard. That's as far as he was thinking. And I doubt Pete ever really entertained the thought of having any kind of relationship with Vegas. Pete's smart, he knows what Vegas is. It was perhaps more of a fantasy for him prior to this. But now he's seen another side of Vegas and he can relate to him. He understands why he is who he is. And for Vegas, it's very similar. Here's someone who asks him how he's feeling, despite everything. Someone who gets him. Someone who can make sense of why his dad beats him and belittles him because Pete has experienced it for himself. And, most importantly for Vegas, Pete didn't leave him at the first real chance he had to escape. He keeps talking about how everyone leaves him - in particular his mum and now the hedgehog. It matters to him. Both Vegas and Pete have got a way to go before they can reconcile themselves with what they are starting to feel. Especially Pete. I think, at this point in the story, he's doubting himself and why he cares so much for someone he himself thinks is a psycho. Other commenters are right about the book being far worse and more graphical. But, not only is Vegas worse in the novel, but his dad is an absolute monster. In comparison, his character in the series is almost loveable.


The KP writers are not the ones who wrote TharnType. TT was written by Mame, who also wrote Love In The Air - maybe that's where the confusion comes from as everyone seems to regard LITA as a mini KP spin off (it's not, there's no connection at all). But Mame does have her critics. And I do agree that Pete and Vegas's relationship was too rushed for such a complicated theme. I suppose a certain point in the story needed to be reached before it could be fully entered into.


Oooo it is mame I remember her being a issue on set for the actors for TT but I really thought it was the same person hahaha it has the same vibes like it would be


You should consider checking out the Bed Friend Series, the scenes are pretty spicy but I like the main couple together!