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Kamiya Airi isn't part of XGALX anymore, but she's now a solo artist and has her own channel (I think this is her channel) https://www.youtube.com/@kamiya368/featured She debut last year with a single titled "CBD" and it's a vibe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju7H8QxYSOQ&ab_channel=KAMIYA Her latest song with 3 other artist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlvJmpiCb3s&ab_channel=PizzaorLove She does live remixes of XG's songs at her concerts (She's also a DJ I assume). Hikaru and Airi both showed up at the NEW DNA Showcase, So it seems that Airi and XG are still close. https://twitter.com/whitenoisesss/status/1729515638815854742

Blaize Nakamura

I saw a comment under another reaction to this episode thinking that while watching this that Simon might have thought and noticed that the girls might have been to reliant on Airi, because she had such a huge presence in the group. After seeing that and really thinking about it I can kind of understand that. I think that when we look at XG now we notice how strong each individual member is and how they have such an identity as a group but also as individuals. I think that who knows if the same would have happened if they had stayed as a 8 member group. Of course it is all speculation and we really don't know Simons real reason behind the decision but after seeing that comment and thinking about it I can definitely see it as a possibility. I really hope that Airi is okay now and happy as it does seem that they do still stay in contact and are on good terms.