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I love how you're so skeptic about everything and everyone from this show, such a mood LOL. Just wanted to point out a few things though I'm sure you worked it out after: - The scene where the lady helping Dong Eun stares at the sunset is just her finally having the capacity in her life to admire something simple but beautiful. I think the show wanted to remind the audience that although she seems happy now, she's still living a hard life with her abusive husband. - Ye Sol's toothbrush that was sent to Jae Jun.. without spoiling anything, just keep in mind our toothbrushes contain saliva, which can be used for certain tests. Also I love that you're warming up to Yeo Jeong haha. He's a sweet touch to otherwise a very dark series. Can't wait to rewatch the next ep with you!


Did you know that main bully and the doctor are together in real life? 😂