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Okay so Hyunjin drove me mad this episode, because poor Chungook has been going throuuugh it this entire season feeling rejected left right and centre and I feel like he wasn't really careful with Chungook's feelings. He went about the whole conversation in a really stupid way, and Chungook outright said "Okay what you're saying makes it sound like you think even spending time with me as friends is a waste of your time". I think at the very least at *that point* Hyunjin should have been like: "Oh shit, my mistake. I was just second guessing whether I had missled you in any way about my feelings but I'm glad to hear we're on the same page about being friends and I had a nice time today too" But instead he just ... kept going about how he doesn't feel like he wants to know chungook in any capacity and then left !? Like wtf dude? I totally know what you mean about Seonwoo, I remember feeling similairly to you during this episode. He reminds me a bit of Shin Daon from Light On Me, remember? The popular handsome guy who kind of casually responds positively to a lot of people because he's a people pleaser, but he doesn't realise it's more hurtful in the end to potentially lead someone on / it's also not fair to the people you're supposed to prioritise. I didn't really like Seonwoo much by the end of the show but he's grown on me a little through the reaction videos the cast did of the show on Hyunjoon's youtube channel because I got more of an impression that it turns out he was just in his head and second guessing everything and being dumb rather than being calculative! Still though, at his grown age idk why you'd go on a show like this where you have a week to make moves only to just be wishy washy and unclear with people.


Literally this! That was a perfect example with Shin Daon from Light On Me (although slightly different reasons, same concept lmao) And yeah, Idk what Hyunjin was thinking, like, his intention with the conversation made sense but what came out of his mouth was so backwards lol. Then to have it end so abruptly…idk how that will recover if at all

Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

Hyeong Jin I don't get what he is trying to say and I adore Jeong Wook so much I don't want to see someone break 💔 his heart. The phone call I don't want to give you spoiler about Yeon Hee you will see next episode if he call wrong number or he knows is Jun Seong


watching these episodes sometimes make me feel like I’m on a rollercoaster. It’s very back and forth, side to side and not in a good way especially, seonwoo like he goes about it in the way of “oh I’m being nice.” And then leads, for example, yung hee on to then initiate dates even so far as to take him to his shop which he claims to have never taken anyone to on that level to later confuse him about “feelings” he knows he doesn’t have. That’s why it’s frustrating with the seong ho situation since he already has this person practically devoted to him on one side, and another that’s just hot and cold about his situations. Now touching this hyunjin and chungook situation..that was just disrespectful like I couldn’t believe what I was reading! Now I understand wanting to rest, however the day already had been long over at that point and it wasn’t a bad time in my opinion, I mean he seemed pretty happy with the dog and everything lmaoo. Just insane how just because he’s not an interest romantically, he’s just not interested at all and that’s what got me.


At least the dates were cute though <3


The hyungjoon/minsung date was really cute and them on the couch at the beginning melted my heart!! Hyungjoon is such a sweetheart! Minsung is completely a little clueless throughout this whole show but this date really shows how much they really like each other in my opinion. I completely agree with what everyone is saying about Seonwoo. I think him and Junsung would really benefit from being friends because Junsung does not care about being the "nice guy" sometimes he can even come off as rude and Seonwoo is the complete opposite. He is being more hurtful by being "nice". I would want someone to tell me straight up how they feel. Crazy thing is I am pretty sure that Hyunjin has called Seonwoo everyday at this point and Seonwoo has not given him the time of day... Remember the day before he had a talk with Yunghee about how he felt pretty much and Yunghee got that message because he then (as we now know) called Junsung instead. I wish Seonwoo could not chose a date with Sungho so instead I wish he would have just asked Jungwook to hang out. All he did was confuse Yunghee. Finally, Hyungjin!!!! I do not understand to this day anything in his head. HE BROUGHT UP IN THE CAR on the way to Jungwook's house that he was "Sorry" the Jungwook was going out with him instead of someone he wanted to go out with. Hyungjin knew that Jungwook liked Yunghee bc they talked about it in with Junsung and Sungho they day before!! Jungwook said oh it is more comfortable this way while they were in the car. READ THE ROOM my guy. the fact that Jungwook did not hang around you after the date should have given you a clue. That whole conversation was completely unnecessary. I Actually appreciate Sungho and Junsung telling him "Hey you don't need to talk about this with us go talk to Jungwook" but Hyungjin took a hard left and kept driving off a cliff. I also kind of don't like how the show cut the interview of Jungwook crying because the interviews are clearly held at the end of the day, after all the drama happened so those had to be sad tears. Jungwook was already going through so much. I wrote an essay... I got upset rewatching this, lol. I am sorry btw, that moment where Hyungjin tells Junsung to come here and Sungho was like, "i will come too." In my head, All I heard was Sungho saying, "sure, you can talk to both of us!" lol I love it.


Lmao, yes same at that end comment, haha. Also, see, ai wondered if that interview where he got emotional took place after the date cause he was in different clothing, but I could be wrong.


Ah! You are right! He is wearing the sweater he wore on the date. That makes me feel better about the editing. Hyungjin is still on my list. Lol. I am sure somewhere in there he means well, but he was twisting that knife. When he said "you're not someone I have to know!" I felt that.


Hyungjin really got on my nerves with that bc he was the only one misunderstanding and basically said he regretted the date which is crazy


Yeah it was super cringe, he didnt think before he spoke at all!


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Regarding Jungwook and Hyeong Jin's date. Hyeong Jin did ask Jungwook out (technically it was more of a 'you're going on a date with me') when it became clear they were the 'spares', so it was a proper date. Having seen this episode a stupid amount of times, I can see from what we were shown why Hyeong Jin completely misread Jungwook's feelings, but he did a terrible job of explaining to Jungwook that he had no other motive for going on a date with him than thinking it was the only option available. I think it would have been more sensitive to say he would have preferred not to go on a date, but that he was happy he did because he enjoyed it and 'no feelings attached'.


I agree with you too, although, I don’t even think he should have brought this up to begin with. To me, if he wanted to make sure the situation wasn’t misread, I think he should’ve just asked how Chung-ook felt about him and based off his answer, Hyunjin should then tell him that he just wants a friendship as well. The rest of that misunderstanding the mission thing, he should just keep to himself cause it doesn’t even matter lol, it just creates more confusion

Exekyute (Kyu)

Yunghee wasn’t calling Junseong to express interest. He was just thanking him for some comforting words that Junseong must have given him that might not have even been shown in the broadcast. And Seonwoo couldn’t go on a date with Seongho because they had to go out with someone they hadn’t been on a date with yet. He could have asked Jungwook out, but he knew Yunghee was going to ask him and he probably didn’t want to hurt Yunghee’s feelings. He shouldn’t have avoided answering Yunghee’s direct question during the date though.

Katie 80

So it seems a lot of people have watched this already but this is my first time and let me tell you...But Hyunjin made me so mad ! I wanted to hug Chungook and tell Hyunjin to shut his mouth. Really uncalled for the way he went about it and he has zero tact in conversations. I am glad there was so much cuteness otherwise cause this episode had me in my feelings lol