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It’s getting gooood!

Nataly Pecora

Hi RJ! that question about Jae-Jun's kid..just don't forget it ! thank you for other episode soo good!


Myeong-o gave her Jaejun’s hair for dna test. And she asking if Myeong-o gave birth to Jeajun’s son was her being sarcastic. And the foundation director is basically the school’s director. She looked for his weakness and used it to get a job at the school.


Oh I knew that of course, but I was more questioning the sexual assault suggestion and whether or not they were both serious or not, but it sounds like it didn’t take place which is good.


I also thought it was a really interesting choice to start the episode with Sun-a (the daughter of Dong-eun's co-conspirator) looking up the laws around crimes committed by minors, then threatening to kill her father with a knife. It was a smart way to highlight that juvenile acts of violence in Korea often go unpunished, which is probably why Dong-eun's bullies were so confident in their actions even when police got involved like in episode 1 (apart from also being rich af and being able to pay to make things go away). Up until recently South Korea's age of criminal responsibility was 14 years old (13 now I think), meaning crimes committed by children under 14 legally could not face ANY criminal punishment.