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Starring: Cocco, Shin'ya Tsukamoto, Yuko Nakamura

Synopsis: When a single mother suffers a nervous breakdown, she is suspected of child abuse and her child is taken away. Her mental suffering escalates as she succumbs to her darkest fantasies.

Genre: Drama, Horror

Rating: R for Violent and Disturbing Content  - Involving Mental Illness (TRIGGER WARNING!!)



arda obi

This was a well made movie. A little TMI about me. I am a Medical Doctor (for a year now) and I have dealt with and seen a lot of patients with psychotic disorders myself and even though I do feel empathy for them, this movie truly made me understand how much they actually suffer internally and it was excruciating to watch because I felt like I was in it with her. Although this movie is so messed up, it left a huge impression on me such that if I ever have to deal with patients with problems like this, I'd approach it with more patience and empathy than I have ever done. But Damn I am so shook.

arda obi

Seeing that a lot of her hallucinations and delusions were connected to her child and his safety, I suspect it could be "psychosis with peripartum onset" formerly known as "postpartum psychosis" But it could be "schizophrenia" like you said but not enough information was really shown for me to come to a conclusion.


Yes exactly! It’s been a few days for me since I first saw it and I agree with you. Excruciating is the perfect word. It’s really terrifying to watch and even just experience or think that someone’s mind could be dealing with something so visceral and unsettling. It makes you feel for them on so many levels.


The fact that we aren’t even told I feel like adds to it because we are experiencing the decline right along with her with literally no control or understanding. Frightening! I’m so glad the child was okay and even still had some type of positive relationship with his mom by the end. It honestly made me wanna cry cause he seemed so pure and unaffected while, in her world, she was really severely going through it. Super tragic

arda obi

Yh. This show really isn't for the weak hearted! To add to your point though, This is why I think movies like this one are important because like you said, a lot of shows that touch on mental health do a desservice to the topic at large. So, a movie like this helps educate people especially on an empathetic level; because people watching the erraticness from the outside could laugh or say stuff like "oh she's crazy" but understanding the suffering from within makes you grow more empathy towards these people. I believe that's the purpose of this show.

arda obi

I Agree!!! I am so glad the child was ok too because that scene where she supposedly strangled the kid in one of her episodes got me so worked up and upset that her sister let her have custody again. I swear my mind and soul needs cleansing cause this show made me feel like I was loosing my sanity😭 He probably was affected in some way or another but thankfully it was not severe.