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Starring: Wi Ha-joon, Yoo Je-Yoon, Seung-Wook Lee

Synopsis: The crew of a horror web series travels to an abandoned asylum for a live broadcast. They soon encounters much more than expected as they move deeper inside the nightmarish old building.

Genre: Horror

Rating: PG-13 for Violence, Frightening Scenes, and Language



Nataly Pecora

i was like 🫣 i enjoy a lot this genre tho. I don't know if you like a lot this footage movies but i want to recommend to you the movie "Incantation" . I have to finish it the next day on a beautiful morning because i was so scared 😭 but maybe it was just me🤣 . Thank you for the movie!


Definitely wasn’t you. I’ve seen that movie and i do not want to see it again lmao.. WAY too freaky!


Let me tell you!! I would have NEVERRR even step foot into that building like, if they wanted to just get get their blood pumping hey maybe let’s go skydiving but this….I’m just shaking my head. Then wanted to freak out after the ritual like they didn’t just hit up all the spirits and they cousins asking them to basically come play with them. 😭

Selene Ledezma

I'm glad the first time I watched this I did it on Tubi so there were ads to break the tension a little lol let me tell you I did not skip a single ad! It is such a good movie tho I love movies that leave me intrigued like I have so many questions! Can't wait to see what other movies you check out this month 😃


Incantation was gooood! I watch it in the theater at midnight as it came out and woohoo I screamed from the bottom of my lungs uncontrollably lol.