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Mary Leona Weaver

Soop in Korean means Forest. They kill me doing EVERYTHING in those slippers! If I tried to do any kind of physical activity in those things, I'd break an ankle!! Pork Belly/Bacon is the best! As I've gotten older, I like the fat if it's cooked crispy...otherwise, I tend to just eat the lean meat, lol. But if it's crispy, it's so good. For the score in foot volleyball....they WERE playing to 13, but when they both hit 11, they decided to call Deuce, which means to win, you have to score two times consecutively before the other team does (they did that cuz at that point, they each only needed 2 points to win). But no one could get the consecutive 2 points, so they have to keep going past 13 (since they decided to call DEUCE). The only way to win is to get the consecutive 2 points.


Its called croffle because its a hybrid of croissant and waffle


same with the slippers! everytime they wore it for running or doing sports, in my mind i imagined them slipping out of those shoes and injuring their feet. I once slipped on a wet grass with those kind of shoes and it was not fun haha