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I'm sorry if you feel offended, but your reactions are just ridiculous. There's one last episode left and you still don't get what's going on. The most important thing is that In has reincarnated into Pharm, and there are currently two people functioning in his body. So not every sentence Pharm says is about him. Much of it is In's words. Just like at the end of episode 16. In was angry that Korn left him alone and killed himself first. The moment Pharm put the gun to his head, In wanted to punish Korn and let him feel what In felt when he saw Korn die. I hope this makes some sense to you.


Not offended, you’re allowed to feel how you feel. I do understand what’s going. For me, it’s hard to know who is speaking and at what time it’s actually In or Pharm/Dean and Korn. The show doesn’t exactly let you know. In the beginning of the next episode, I said forget what I said at the end of this one because as he continued speaking, I understood who was talking at that time. I do get it.


“I don’t have any brothers left” is so sad to me, I couldn’t live without my sister