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the 4th prince is named Wang So but Hae Soo has stated multiple times that his name is Gwangjong because that’s what they called him during his reign (based off the history she learned in school). Crown Prince Moo is now Hyejong during his reign.


Ah, I wasn’t aware they went by different names during their reign as king. Good to know! Thank you

mayra valladares

Oh noooo episode 16 is Heart breaking just a heads up


No heads ups! I don’t like being warned of stuff to come lol, it’s basically a spoiler


Keep hanging in there RJ! The time jump gave us a lot to try and catch up on, then the frustration of having the wicked prince eyebrows back. Also, basically by this point I have “thrown Wook away” as they would say. Any feelings I felt about him in the beginning of the drama were gone by this point. Lol.