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Ah excited to watch this again. No, 🤣 far to big to live lol, but def fun for a trip with friends. S1 location I could absolutely live in. Both series of SVT in the Soop are in completely different locations from BTS 😆 which I like, it makes each series unique. If you haven't watched them that would be so much fun to watch together too. Thanks and enjoy!


yayyyy been so excited to see season 2 with you !!!!

Olga Geller

red beans filling is quite common in South Korea. we got it in so many desserts, whether we wanted or not. it really grew on me eventually

irony wilson

Hahahaha we are the same! yes waaaay to many windows and doors i need a regular small mid place where i can hear wts going on in every room by simply standing in the living room ..those childhood dreams of wanting a huge house been long gone since becoming an adult and seeing how the world REALLY is ..no thanks i need to knw wts going on everywhere..i just moved into a new apt and i have more camera's then places to put them! because the way my anxiety and paranoia is set up chile...

Mary Leona Weaver

Yes, JK's whole outfit is see through!! He did a very long vlive in that outfit, and stood up to perform songs during it, and we all died! There's 5 episodes, but they are each longer than the episodes were in S1. You're right, they deserved every moment of this!