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Selene Ledezma

That mistletoe scene is how the WinTeam/BounPrem fandom got the Broccoli nickname haha


There is a scene coming up which explains why Korn felt his only option was to kill himself. It's something that occured before In's birthday in the restaurant, though. You've now seen everything that happened on that particular night, from Intouch saying goodbye to his sister and niece, to the restaurant scene itself, the confrontation with In's dad and then Korn's dad following them when they left. They went straight to the condo from there, you saw what followed in this episode, and then that's where the very first scene in episode one picks up from. One thing I forgot to mention last episode is the ring that Dean was holding after he visited An, his grandmother. Credit to you for picking up on it being In's ring. I've seen so many reactors not make the connection and assume it's a wedding ring.