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Im glad that you are feeling better! and yes the assesement just a day after felt way too early and too harsh. Like im sure its good to give some comments on how they can improve on it early on but this was just not it.


The judges were definitely too harsh, maybe that was the intention to spice up the drama for views 🙄 like a 1 day interim assessment is wild. Can't wait for the next challenge tho! So so good

Jenn BL

I’m glad you are feeling better but still take care RJ!💕

Emma Ko

The assessment was definitely super abrupt but that's sort of how the industry works - idols are expected to learn things in mere hours, whether it's a vocal, rap, or dance performance. I feel that often times the audience forgets just how cut throat and intense the idol industry is. They do stuff like this in all survival shows so I wasn't surprised when it happened here. I just think there's the added pressure of being recorded and having this stuff broadcasted live for the world to see that really caused a lot of the teams to have the mental breakdown and not be able to perform their best.


It is not the norm to learn a dance performance in just a few hours in any industry, let alone k-pop? The only reason they do these crazy short time frames on survival shows is to add drama and create a storyline ("will they improve from the interim assessment"). Typically learning a group dance for, say, a comeback takes a couple of weeks, and then there's more time before promotions for it to become like second nature. It would be insane to expect anyone to learn an entire dance in a few hours, let alone so many people (and w the expectation of synch!)