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Mary Leona Weaver

We never actually got told what happened with RM's leg....in a later Live, he said not to worry he was fine, but didn't give us any details. I tried making the nurungji, but mine turned out hard as a rock, lol. Chojang is a sauce - like a sweet chili pepper sauce. And I don't recall ever knowing why RM left. There's 8 episodes - they just went back to Seoul for some business commitments, then came back. I must say, the 2nd half of the show is just wonderful and can't wait to see you watch it! They really lean into vacation/relaxed mode in the 2nd part. (BTW - I know you are not answering us on this....but you really NEED to see the Behind the Scenes for each episode!!!)

irony wilson

RJ i just wanted to say you have a beautiful smile..ive seen it 100 times but it really shined this time to me for some reason ☺