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Hey Peeps!! Just a FYI: NO SPOILERS PLEASE! As I mentioned in the video, while I do know the group Vanner wins this show, I actually have NO idea what they look like, which team they are, or how many are in the group; none of that. So this will still be a surprise to me, lol. Cant wait for the next episode!

Irieezy. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 14:02:29 Yessssss!!! So excited!
2023-06-29 19:33:48 Yessssss!!! So excited!

Yessssss!!! So excited!


"he's soo pretty" I couldn't agree more. he kinda look like Nine from OnlyOneOf in a certain angle tho

Zakiiyah Alexander

Team 11:00 was my favorite thru out the entire show their story touched me so i had to cheer for them plus they are talented frfr.. i can’t wait to go on this journey with you and see how each week is a new surprise

Shaira Lorenzo

Oh my you should check some of Gi Kwan’s music cause that man is the epitome of sensuality. First time I listened to him and saw him performing I literally said he could be Dean and Taemin’s son and I still stand by it lmao. Till this day I still listen to D.C.Y.E on a daily basis so if someday you decide to check his songs, take a look at that and mv and embrace yourself before doing so lol

Irieezy. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 14:02:29 1:38:05 "NOT SEVENTEEN, NOT MY ULT GROUP" hahahaha PERIOD!!
2023-06-29 21:27:13 1:38:05 "NOT SEVENTEEN, NOT MY ULT GROUP" hahahaha PERIOD!!



this show was never on my radar so i’ll be watching it for the first time with youuu, i’m excited 😁


second time watching it and I cried. My fav team was team 20:00 tho.

Jenn BL

I’m wayyyy too happy! Thanks RJ for watching it! Each episode gets more amazing!!!!

Britta Carlson

I’m just here for DKB😎 thanks for reacting!!😘

Britta Carlson

I have a quick and easy explanation for why some groups are overlooked and others aren’t… I think you already know this… but MONEY is the #1 reason why groups are ignored, from the lack of promotions to lack of budget for albums, MVs, styling, producing and writing the actual music, dance and vocal instructors, money for touring and making shows for YouTube etc… for real, there is a REASON that artists from YG, HYBE, SM, JYP etc are more well known and revered than groups from small labels… which is why shows like this really draw me in—to see these people working so hard for their dreams despite their company’s shortcomings is really inspiring (and heartbreaking too)… not a single group on this show is from a major label… a lot of groups (like DKB and BAE173) are the only group that their label actually manages… it makes a huge difference in their futures and career success😕

irony wilson

I hae never heard of this show and i also dnt really like these shows much after watching I'Land for Ehypen and Kingdom and ive watched a few episodes of Boys planet but i been avoiding it a bit because it hurts to see ppl who are clearly trying their best and they cry and then im crying i just hate seeing ppl unhappy in any aspect and im still at the beginning of the vid and i see DKB they are the first kpop concert i ever went to ever last year in a small lil venue ..like so small i damn near walked into their deressing room i was standing rite behind two of the members and saw them making titoks so im about to be real sensitive about them especially..but i really hope this isnt gunna be to sad these guys work so hard imma need everybody to win!!!!!!

irony wilson

YOU GON CRY ON FILM RJ!!!!!!! i just finished the video i surly cried 5x 😭


I tried not too hahaha, I really did! I couldn’t help it. I really felt for them so bad!

Britta Carlson

As I’m rewatching this with you, I’m realizing that they edit out a lot of people which is sad… there seem to be a lot of performances that they don’t even show, especially towards the beginning of the show… I think it’s just too much content for them to fit into these already-super-long episodes… makes me sad for those groups who are overlooked though and not given screen time🥺


Hi RJ, I loved this show so much. So much talent and emotions! I don't know hoe many tears I 've shared with the groups 🙂


Ahhh had no idea you were reacting to peak time, always wanted to see you react to more survival show / competition shows. Just joined to follow a long with you. :D

Ivy Jaggers

I’m new here but love your reactions! I loved this show and can’t wait to watch it again with you. I watched it for DKB and found some amazing groups. It sucks when groups don’t get the recognition they deserve. All my ult groups are underrated. I do my best to promote and introduce them to new people and I will continue as long as I have to!

Exekyute (Kyu)

I really enjoyed this show and collected so many groups from it. I'm late to the party but excited to start watching your journey with the show. As a long-time Hangyul fan I'm definitely enjoying the Hangyul appreciation. :3


Thank you so much for reacting to this and I can't wait to go on this journey with you. I've rewatched this like 5 times and it never gets old. I'm a VSS (vanners fandom) and it's beyond measure to see the love they've gotten. And they are the sweetest human beings. I actually got to spend over an hour with them after the concert last year here in Pittsburgh. They are warm, considerate and one of the members (I won't say his name so I won't accidentally let you know who they are without finding out yourself) gives the most AMAZING hugs 🤣 🤣 so again..thank you so much for watching these amazing groups..they deserve it

Megan Mazon

joined your patreon to watch your peak time reactions \o/

paige bloomer

I Know I'm very late with this but 1st: Love that you're checking out this show and all these amazing groups! 2nd: The team in all white that did the monsta x song Beautiful and you said it switched songs, they didn't switch songs it was the same one they just did more of a piano ballad opening version before going into the normal version lol.

Javi (42ariadna)

I just joined your patreon to watch your peak time reactions (I've been loving your youtube reactions for a few days). I watched this show as it came out cus I'm a fan of the judges, and I ended up loving a lot of the groups. I felt like watching the show again ;)