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Wow I didn’t realize until you pointed it out, but you’re so right about all the songs on this album being gender-neutral! My favorites are Sweet Misery and Insomnia but the whole thing was so good. I def agree about some of them feeling too short though. Or like, they’re good but would have been even BETTER if they had another chorus or so. (Hard is another example.) Also apparently the person who wrote the lyrics for Gravity has been a huge Shawol/Jonghyun fan since their debut so most fans think it’s about/for him. 🥺 Oh, and are you gonna be reacting to the other performances from the show the Hard video was from? They also did Juice, 10x, and Sherlock with a live band and I can’t stop rewatching Sherlock, they all sound so good.

Myanh Ta

Hard is such a statement: especially the lyrics. Name a 2nd gen group that is still making music that is a genuine act of creativity? Lots of 2nd gen groups are making music that is celebratory of their legacy, pulling on a lot of nostalgia. SHINee is still in the process of making their legacy. They're amazing.

Juliana Tamaki

Loved your reaction RJ!! My favorite songs are Identity and Insomnia!! I heard that the song Identity is being played at several After Parties precisely because it's Pride Month! SHINee has always supported minorities and I'm sure a lot of meanings of some songs are related to that! I would like to suggest that you react to the show that SHINee perform HARD that you just reacted to! It's a Road Trip for the group, where they camp and at the end there's a small concert! You can find this show on the JTBC channel and it's called SHINee 15m! Edit: link to watch the show https://youtu.be/3J5CjSS6cfg

Juliana Tamaki

I forgot to comment on what you said about gender neutral in the songs! I don't know if you've seen the group photos with the suits, but both Minho and Onew are wearing long skirts! And it's not like in The Feeling MV that Minho and Taemin are wearing skorts, in these pictures it's really skirts and they're really hot!

Sonja Jackson

The whole album is just so good. SHINee always bring a fresh look to every comeback. I think my favourite is Juice because I love the reggaeton feel to it. Gravity..eurrrmgerd .. Minho's voice ...he already killed me with the concert performance of Body Rhythm...and taking Jinki's falsetto in Code..just finishing me off with this..Identity was my least favourite at first listen but learning the lyrics and hearing a few times it's moved up ...10x has moved to the bottom but I still love that too. This album as a whole has definitely topped DCM for me, which was amazing itself. SHINee 100% doing what they want...there's lots of that underlying in the lyrics.. about not conforming and being able to be yourself. Like with the Thom Browne skirt suits in the teaser images..it cracked me up how excited and flustered people got..😆..This album is This is SHINee we're back and this is what we do. Oh, Kibum does a large part of the styling and not just for SHINee..and that Hard outfit...🥵🥵...I agree with you. Last thing don't know if anyone else mentioned it but Jonghyun's official colour is blue so I feel that's definitely a reference to him in the Hard MV it matches with the lyrics then too.. there are dance practices and live performance for Juice and the choreo is 🔥.

Ani Umar

wld love to see u do this...although most of us hv watched it...its always great to watch again with you!:))


I loved Identity so much (and the whole album too) Key talked about it being his favorite track on the album and how he really loves the lyrics and the lyricist has been a shawol for a long time and she said she hopes it becomes a comfort for shawols and like you said it can be about so many different things and just finding true you - but yeah they also played the song during pride celebrations in seoul (which is cool considering how new it is) they played Lucifer and Gasoline too