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mayra valladares

Lol the IU and Baekhyun fight scene is popular on tweet because those two almost always have a album or song out at the same time and they battle it out in the charts so this is like a running joke and meme used between the two fandoms....


The queen is his real mother, but she treats him like he isn't her son because the king put the country over her to marry another woman, and that's when she gave him that scar. Also, having a scar in this time period was like not really accepted. Prince so was sent away at a young age to be adopted or rather be held as a hostage by another clan far away. Ever since then Prince So was a disgrace to her.

Halima -L-1485

The intro ost sang by baekhyun chen and xiumin , i thought first episode you recognize IU, the best Baekhyun IU iconic fight scene , 😅

Katie 80

Ashley is right. Back then marriages in royalty were mostly just to position them with alliances among powerful families or win wars. So the king was married to Queen Yoo, had children with her, then decided out of obligation to the country and be powerful her would then marry a new woman (the inherent Queen you saw who is the mother of the princess and Wook) Queen Yoo was mad and jealous and threatened to kill Prince So if he married the other woman but the king chose the country over her and his own son. Queen Yoo scarred up his face and realizing her would be shunned for his looks back then discarded him by sending him to live with that Concubines family. So basically Prince So was thrown away by both his mom and dad which is really sad. Then when he went off to live with the other family a bunch of rumors started that he was basically an evil villain so everyone is afraid of him. Queen Yoo is now trying to get the Crown Prince murdered so her other son (the mean one with the eyeliner)can end up Crown Prince and then King, planning that whole assassination attempt but then being surprised when So stood in for the Crown Prince to save him. So was trying to keep them alive to get a confession, meanwhile you can see the other Prince having them all murdered so they can't talk and reveal they were the ones behind it. I love this show, excited to keep watching with you.

Nataly Pecora

I was going to explain the 4th prince situation but all this comment are on point! 👌💕 i love this show

arda obi

Queen Yoo, the lady, is his real mother. She was the one who cut him. I will never understand why she was such a bitch towards him honestly. She gave birth to all three sons and he is the only one she treats so poorly. Also you mistook the fourth prince( The one with the scar) for the guy in the movie forgotten. The guy in the movie is the prince married to main girl's cousin


I can't believe you didn't recognise IU in the first episode


U probably got it but just in case queen yo and prince 3 (the one the killed all the assassins in the woods) they plotted to kill the crown prince like u said so that the king would choose another one of the princes to succeed as crown prince thinking the king would chose prince 3, so the assassins were a part of the plan idk if u caught it but prince 3 kinda guided the sword to cut the crown prince aka prince 4 In the mask so it was staged to make it look like that so it would be inconspicuous but I think the crown prince knew something was going to happen hence why he asked the prince 4 to switch in the exorcism in the first place since he is a good fighter, u are doing well tho at keeping up with the story, traditional/historical dramas can be hard to follow sometimes I think the easiest one I’ve seen was hwarang and even then some stuff just needs clarification


So, she sent him (So) to live with the woman the king married because she (the Queen(his mom)) scarred his face?


Thank you for this! So, the woman who is the mom of the Princess and Prince Wook is the woman that the king married? which is also the adoptive mother of Prince So? does this also explain the tense greeting her and Queen Yoo had just before the ritual ceremony? Also, is the current Crown Prince Queen Yoo’s son too?..why is she trying to have him killed for her other so? Unless i’m incorrect here.


That’s who I was talking about lol, Prince Wook. He’s the guy from Forgotten..i may have just been talking about it when Prince So showed up lol. Also, yes, why she was so mean to him is what i’m not understanding as well.


I don’t know what she looks like lol, I mentioned in this video that i only knew she played Hae Soo because you guys told me in the comments.


Yup yup, I definitely caught on to that during the fight and understood the plan, but I guess i’m trying to figure out why they’re trying to kill the crown prince, like what for and what’s to gain from it. Is Prince Eyeliner a menace or something like I assume he and the Queen Yoo have bad intentions if they succeed.


Well the queen wants her birth sons to succeed the crown the king has multiple wives that are queens u saw 2 of them this ep the queen yo (she is the mother of prince 3,4, and the other one who he with baekhyun idk his number lol) and the other queen who is the mother of the princess and the other prince from the movie forgotten and there r others bc there r a lot of princes, so the plan for queen yo is to get one of her children but really prince 3 to become next in line for the throne by getting rid of the current crown prince

Katie 80

Right that the woman the Kong married is the Princess and Wooks mother which is why it was super awkward when they saw each other, but she is not So's adoptive mother, his adoptive mother is in Shinju, the city she outcasted him to and held there against his will. This is why he killed that horse in the beginning, as a symbol of him saying he is staying in his birth place and not returning to Shinju. This is another reason he helped the Crown prince cause he promised to let him stay if ue helped save him and catch whoever is trying to kill him.

Katie 80

Also the Queen wants her own son to be the King eventually so she can have power and she is pretty much evil along with Prince 3 (eyeliner, I always forget his name lol). They mentioned in the beginning there was a rumor the Crown Prince had an incurable sickness but there was also a rumor the king was going to step down and appoint the Crown Prince King after the exorcism right. This is important because once he becomes king the other Prince basically has no chance cause if the new kings son would be king and never any of the princes.


No no, this is helpful lol and thanks for responding. So, have we never seen the adoptive mother of Prince So yet? So, Queen Yoo sent Prince So, as a child and after she scarred his face, to Shinju? Why Shinju? Like, how does that work? She just put him on a horse and sent him there to fend for himself and a woman there took care of him? Is the Crown Prince not Queen Yoo’s son?


Lawd… lol, this man is doing too much with all these kids! Okay I think i understand this so much more now. The whole time, I was under the impression that all those princes were from Queen Yoo only which explains my confusion to a lot of things. Thanks a bunch for clearing this up for me!

Katie 80

Right, we have never seen his adoptive mother only some of the men from Shinju in the beginning he rode in with. He was basically given to that family as a peace offering, a royal hostage to bring piece between the families, it it explains it a bit more later in the show. The only son's that are queen yoo's are So, Jung, and Yo the eyeliner prince (I had to go back and look to remember his name lol) Crown Prince Mu is the kings first son and must have been with another lady, I don't remember who or if they say since it has been so long but they maybe say later on. Its fun to discuss it, glad I can help :)

Stephanie Dixon

This is an amazing show to watch. I also recommend Hwarang with BTS V in it! You can find all these shows free and more on myasiantv. I really enjoy your content. Also will you be reacting to The Rise of Bangtan?

Ivy Jaggers

I’m way behind on your reactions as I’m new. So I’m not sure if this was clarified in later episodes. Queen Yoo wants her son to succeed the crown so SHE has power. If her son is king she becomes queen mother and has more power too. To do she has to kill crown prince moo because if she doesn’t and he becomes king the crown will now fall to his kids and none of the other princes will be come king. Secondly it’s not really about who the king will chose to become king. Yes he can skip the line and choose a different prince but that isn’t really common. If Moo dies the next in line is Yo because he is the next oldest. So she isn’t doing this without reason. They don’t specify who Moo’s mom is and Queen Yoo had another son before Yo, that died hence her freak out in episode one. That is why Yo is the 3rd prince. The numbers tell a lot for each prince. Also the king having Moo already makes sense of why he didn’t care the other died unless her son was older than Moo. They never clarify this. Omg, I never thought of it till now but it makes sense as to why she is so adamant to kill Moo. If her son was the first and he died so the crown went to Moo. She lost her positioning of bearing the oldest son. She did say your oldest son had died in her freak out. 🤯