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Paloma Olmos

I had the same reaction ! I through she was dead or was the patient lady who was an actress at some point , a be prepare I cried soo much in the next episode !!

Makayla Vante

ohhh you didn't piece it together hmmmm.... can't wait for the next episode :)


Wait I’m a bit confused, did you not notice who the mother of mun yeong is from the reveal at the end?

arda obi

Wait you didnt notice who she was? You need to rewatch the ending reveal again😳


Was that the nurse lady? The one at her dad’s bedside while he was confessing - She is the mom??


Her becoming a fairy tale writer because her dad read her a book only once 😭 we in the last arc of the show now, can't wait for next ep! And yoooo I was confused too when I watched, I was like how did she escape the lake when she was in a bag?? Lol crazy

Paloma Olmos

Who's the person that rescue from the basement ... there was too much blood jajaja just thinking I was so crazy 🤪


Your reaction towards the end of the ep was gold haha. I also had the same reaction when I first watched it. In one of the earlier eps when Gang-Tae was talking to the Director of the hospital about Mun-Yeong's mother, the Director mentioned that some people believe her mum didn't die and got heavy plastic surgery to try and look different. At the time it meant nothing of course but taking that into consideration of what gets uncovers in this ep, it makes sense..... still doesn't explain how she escaped from the body bag that was dropped into the lake though 🤣


Idk how actors & actresses don’t fall in love with their costars. I wouldn’t even need to act during that photo shoot scene because I’d be down bad for dude irl if he came walking towards me looking like that. Honestly I’d be crushing on her as well because she’s absolutely GORGEOUS! Both of them are a lot😪


Glad you now after the reaction know who that was at the end. Of course your confusion during the reaction was entertaining... Remember: We only see what happened with Moon-young's mother from the viewpoints of a father with a brain tumor (which causes confusion as well as memory problems as was mentioned) and from the viewpoint of a traumatized child. So not the most reliable narrators. Their memories might be twisted, exaggerated or even false. A few theories (according to what we know at this point): The father might have pushed the mother down the stairs and sure, she was at least unconscious, bleeding from a head wound. But maybe she wasn't dead or it wasn't quite as bad ("cracked skull") as Moon-young remembers? Maybe the shocked father was out of his mind at that point and didn't do a good job getting rid of her body? The "body bag into the lake" might just be what Moon-young believes what happened, but not what really happened. Maybe the father just left the body somewhere in the wilderness. So when the mother finally wakes up, she might be very confused because of her head trauma, quite possible with some form of amnesia. So she doesn't know who she is, has no papers on her and gets admitted or treated in a hospital as "jane doe". Maybe she has to undergo head / brain surgeries or even some restorative / plastic surgery because of the head trauma changing her looks. Either way, rehab takes a while. Maybe the mother lived for years not knowing who she really is or what happened to her. Of course she had to get new papers, a new name / identity and find a new place in the world (it was mentioned she came from a family with medical jobs, so becoming nurse might have felt "natural" to her). And when she finally remembers, it has been quite some time, her husband with his worsening brain tumor is locked away in a psychiatric hospital and her now grown up daughter won't recognize her anymore. If that is true... than the main questions would be: What does she want, now that her husband is dead?


So basically she was a nurse so she could stick close to her husband til he died 😨😨 omg