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It's that time again, you guys!! We are moving on to our next BL Drama!

This drama will take the spot of To My Star!

Unlike the last poll, BUT LIKE the 1st poll, this one will also feature the ability to vote for multiple choices, so you can pick more - but I'll be anxious to see what comes out on top this time!!

This poll will include some new dramas I have been told about/come across as well as a couple dramas from the previous poll that did not win.

Can't wait to see what you guys choose!

Incase you are unfamiliar with any of these choices, here's some links to their IMDB pages for extra research🧐

Unintentional Love Story 

We Best Love 

The Eighth Sense 


Until We Meet Again 

This poll will end Wednesday April 26th, 2023!



I very much need you to watch Until we meet again! And it's not just because it's the only one of these I've watched 👀


Just here to put in a good word for My School President… It very much defied everyone’s expectations.


The eighth sense is soo good


the eighth sense is literally a piece of art not just a bl so i'm rooting for it ofc but i love all of these that are on the poll<33


Definitely the blueming


The Eighth Sense is ART, it has literally altered my brain chemistry from the first episode. The amount of care and love the creators and actors put into this drama is so apparent. This piece is their baby. It's not even finished yet but it's something you could see being submitted and screened at Cannes Film Festival. I HIGHLY recommend I got 4 friends to watch it, even one who doesn't normally tune into BL and they're all obsessed.


UWMA was my favorite BL for years until I started watching The Eighth Sense recently. Idk there is something special and grounded about the show. The cinematography is gorgeous. Me and my friend have talked for an hour before just talking about the way the show is filmed. There is something so real and vulnerable about the show and it’s beautiful. The chemistry between the actors always brings so much tension when they are doing something as small as simply looking at eachother. UWMA is definitely great so I won’t be upset if it wins, it’s my second favorite BL. But I rly hope The Eighth Sense wins the next poll because it’s just a beautiful show. Only 2 more episodes left and I’m not prepared 😂

Migdalia Maldonado

Until we meet again please!!!!! I guarantee that you will love this drama. It has a little bit of everything 😢💕😳🫣🥰


omg I know right. the eighth sense wins. it's soo good


hoping wish you will be on the next poll. my first BL drama


Y’all need to vote for The Eighth Sense come on now 😭


I dropped the Eighth Sense because I found it very kitschy in a late 90s movie type way, I get triggered by illegible fonts, and the opening sequence made me think of SmashMouth for some reason 😅😂. lol beyond those superficial things, there were some directors choices snd ‘!artsy’ omissions in the story development that made me feel cheated rather than intrigued :\. But there were 2 minor characters I absolutely adored and would probably watch just for them if I ever do pick it up again!