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Love In The Air contains content/actions that some may find uncomfortable or possibly triggering.

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18+ Rated



mayra valladares

So Rain is learning life lessons like the Fact That he used to like a Girl and fell for a Guy he knows he likes him wants him to fall for him likes the kisses and all but there is a part of him that is still in denial and you will see a little of it

Zakiiyah Alexander

U are correct payu knew who rain was after meeting him wen he helped with the tire situation… omg ep4 next week RJ strap in tight it gets exciting from here on out 😂


please that's how I set my alarm also😭


Yeah so in Thailand, in any given year, everyone has a student number. Only instead of that student number being unique to that student, in each year there's someone with a given number. So Rain was part of Phayu's "codeline", ie they have the same student number. This is why they met up in that bar in episode 1, because it was a meeting for their codeline (which is sort of like a sorority/fraternity). Phayu receives a picture between meeting Rain and fixing his tire in ep 1 and meeting him for a second time at the bar because another member of the codeline was introducing Phayu to their newest member who just so happens to be Rain. Phayu recognizes him and it's implied that this might be why he went to the bar in the first place but it wasn't because he was looking him up, just because of fate.