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Starring: D.O., Jared Grimes, Park Hye-Soo, Oh Jung-se, Kim Min-ho

Synopsis: During the Korean War, an American soldier with a passion for tap dancing in Geoje prison organizes a show involving the prisoners to distract themselves from the ongoing war.

Rated TV-14: For Violence and Some Language

Genre: Drama/Musical



Jenn BL

I do not have the strength to watch this again- amazing movie though. ❤️


It’s definitely one of those genre bending Korean films where you’re like, wait they were just tap dancing and happy and now I am TRAUMATIZED. I think the takeaway has to do with ideology and how it only leads to suffering. We watch D.O.’s character struggle with this idea as he is drawn to tap dancing, essentially defying the ideologies he’s had drilled into his head and has always lived his life by, and it all feels so pointless because it is. It’s a downer ending because it’s a downer concept where nobody wins. I think the message of the entire movie can be whittled down to two words from Jackson: “Fuck ideology.”

Halima -L-1485

first i thought this week no EXO related. But what bless surprise, thank you RJ . how many times I cry when i watched this movie and my annoying brother , and the female lead when i saw her in Dear. m i know that she was in swing kinds


Also “he reminds me of Sang Tae” HE IS SANG TAE! 😂 I was waiting for you to recognize him haha


Wait wait?!?! …i’m so thrown lmao, i thought that was the guy from 100 Days My Prince but then he started to to remind me of Sang Tae lmao no wonder!! Wow, that’s really funny


^haha second all of the reactions above 1) was waiting for you to recognize sang tae the whole time you got so close :) 2) totally understand your reaction to the film! when the ending happened I was just in shock for the rest of the film lol 3) I also recommend my annoying brother (has D.O., Jo Jung Suk, and Park Shin Hye all really famous actors)....I think it has more real life value/takeaway than this film especially to non-Koreans but ik you're probably super busy with your schedules + othe requests so no pressure!!


I could definitely see the film becoming something more like maybe emphasizing how North Koreans and South Koreans were really all one family that were split by foreign powers or doing something that would have more of an impact and it seemed to be leaning towards that during the pre-Christmas scene when everyone was trying to look out for each other in their own way for the holiday spirit but the shock factor of the end really just took over the whole film


i think the juxtaposition of mood in this film is quite intentional and effective because it shows the humanity and most importantly proves the senselessness of these deaths. it doesn't wrap things up in a tidy bow or give everyone a happy ending because that's not reality and as other commenters have said, this emphasizes how korea was divided and pitted against one another. i can't really speak much on the history because i'm not super knowledgeable on it all but i'd imagine that it's poignant when also keeping in mind korea's history of being invaded. definitely a very grim film and not one i'd revisit often but personally i think it was incredibly well done


It’s been a while so I don’t know if you’ll read my comment. I've seen this movie a few times already and it still manages to amaze me every time. You said you could've done without the brutal scene in the end and I get it, it's not nice to see but that means you don't think it's significant to the story. It is. It's a war movie after all, don't forget that. I think the movie actually does a really good job at intentionally making you forget that at first and then it gradually but also suddenly gets very very serious and violent. Reminding us of what's at stake. The three innocent members of the dance team getting shot and killed while trying to protect each other is what the movie is all about. Coming to understand one another despite all our differences. The power of music and dance to bring joy and unity, even in the midst of war. It's about family, freedom, friendship, hope and so much more. You notice that one American soldier who is a dick throughout the whole movie. But after all he just wants to go back home to his family, just like everyone else and they begin to understand and respect each other in a subtle way. This story humanizes all of its characters no matter which side they're on. They all have a story which made them end up in the same place. The three dancers stood in front of one another and yet they were powerless against guns blazing at them. Powerless in front of (fucking) ideology. That scene portrays it in the rawest way possible and thus it is important. This is what war is. Also as you watch more and more Korean movies you will notice a pattern. Happy endings are not common. Because they're mostly not realistic. If that scene had been removed the movie would suddenly be telling a completely different story. That's my take at least :) On a completely different note I love the vibes of the movie, by that I mean mostly the music, it's so fun! Also the way this movie manages to completely switch up the mood is fantastic! You notice it as soon as Ro Gisu's friend returns with missing limbs. That's when shit really starts going down and you really notice what direction the story will take.