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I remember feeling so frustrated, wanting to pull my hair out, thinking "WTF is going on here??!" and not knowing if I should feel happy or not at the end of ep 4 😂 Ahh good times. You're absolutely right, the reaction you described is textbook JiWoo; so infuriating 🙄 😤 Couple of noteworthy things: When CEO dude mentioned illness, I noticed you looked a bit worried. He was referring to the anxiety / trauma with the loud noises and glass breaking and stuff. Evidently SeoJun had been seeing a therapist and on medication to try to manage it. And in the moment where he grabbed JiWoo's hand, it was the same thing. The trauma didn't actually originate from the bar fight in part 1. It was the reason why he froze while his buddy was fighting, but it was already pre-existing childhood trauma. I find this show a little too subtle for its own good at times because so many funny quips and moments fly under the radar. I thought it was hilarious when they were searching for YooHa, SeoJun was freaking out and rambling and he said to JiWoo "Thanks to *someone*, it really stresses me out when people just leave a note and then disappear" 😂 Last bit that is pretty impactful, but almost painfully subtle is that epilogue scene of JiWoo doing a web search on SeoJun. "SeoJun accident", "SeoJun stepping down"... etc were not news articles, they were the terms in his search history. He was trying to find out if something bad had happened. Some sort of explanation for why the hell SeoJun would be spending so much time in the village, because he honestly isn't able to comprehend that it could possibly be just because of him :( Which is truly tragic, and paints a pretty stark picture of this man's self-worth (or lack thereof)


Ahh this was really helpful, thank you! Haha, and yes you’re right, it definitely doesn’t help to lead the viewer in the right direction sometimes lol