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I haven’t re watched this in a while I’m excited to watch it with you!!!

Halima -L-1485

Finally the day is come this is my fifth time i'm rewatcht to my star, one of my favorite korean bl along with Where Your Eyes Linger , actually in my culture i'm not alow to watch bl since i'm come from muslim family but i'm open mind i respect every genre before the religion we are human being that is what i believe.


I love To My Star, it's definitely one of my favourite BLs and definitely I would say my fav Korean BL! I think the writing is fairly strong considering the relatively short runtime but I think it's the casting that really makes it. The two MLs are great! (And the CEO is loveable too). EDIT: Just to clarify with what happened with Jiwoo and HyungKi. So basically Jiwoo tells HyungKi he can basically go eff himself with his suggestion of blackmailing Seojoon in exchange for not outing him. But then he goes home, and breaks it off with Seojoon, saying some pretty mean stuff to make it a clean break. The important thing is he tells the landlord he's moving out, and the next day you see the landlord say that Jiwoo requested he get his deposit on the appartment back right now and couldn't be persuaded out of it. So Jiwoo seems to put together some of his own savings, and his appartment deposit to try to make up enough money to pay HyungKi off himself without HyungKi blackmailing Seojoon (and broke up with Seojoon because he would never allow Jiwoo who's much poorer than him to use his money to protect him). The stalker fan who HyungKi originally got the kiss photo from goes to SeoJoon and tells him that she took a photo and the resturant got it off her - and Seojoon turns up to pay off blackmailer HyungKi instead, preventing Jiwoo from using his own savings to do so. So that's what happened with the break-up in the middle! Although as you saw yourself Jiwoo still has walls up and can't quite believe this flirty extroverted celebrity is actually into his grumpy, introverted, regular guy self so that also plays into it- the fact he wants to take care of the problem himself and just walk away rather than trying to work together with Seojoon to tackle the issue. Sorry this comment is so long! I totally agree they tried to tackle a lot of story in a short amount of time lol


I appreciate this, thank you!! So, I think the only other two things I didn’t catch… After the girl came to the apartment, Seo Jun called Hyeongki about the photo, I assume, right? And I assume he then told Seo Jun to meet him at that restaurant/cafe because Seo Jun intended to pay Hyeongki himself (which Hyeongki later couldn’t deal with, right?). But where was Jiwoo prior to that? He was standing outside of those doors that had a bunch of boxes outside of them. I couldn’t figure out where he was exactly. Thank you for answering my confusions by the way, it helped a lot!!💙💙


(oops- accidentally deleted my reply to you so I'll do another, sorry if you got repeat notifs!) So that building is likely the gate to Hyungki's family home, which Jiwoo turns up at only to find it chained up and with red tape, implying it's been repossessed. Hyungki had mentioned earlier as justification for his blackmailing scheme that his dad's business had gone bankrupt and "we lost the house". I think they included that scene to show Hyungki isn't suddenly evil out of nowhere but truly a man pushed into desperation because of his urgent financial problems (though everyone tells him that it's not an excuse, and it's still super shitty of him to try to blackmail Seojun regardless. It definitely seems like he's wrestling with the shame of that in the end). And yep looks like you've understood the rest of it. Jiwoo calls Hyungki to find out where he is, he tells him he's at the cafe. Hyungki is suprised when Jiwoo turns up he's trying to pay him off with his own personal money rather than Seojun's money, and refuses to accept money from his friend (what a hypocrite lol). He says Seojun found out about the photo and called him, so essentially the blackmail scheme is already in motion. At which point Seojun turns up, pays Hyungki in return for the memory drive, calls him trash, and takes Jiwoo home to lecture him for trying to fix the problem alone rather than together. No problem for clearing up confusion- when it comes to these BLs which are restricted in runtime (lack of money!) they try to pack so much plot into single pieces of dialogue it's definitely easier to pick up details on rewatches! :)


you said in your previous pots that you'll be watching love in the air before you watch season two of this right? I was thinking how about you watch the season two of to my star in two sitting cos it's like four hours before you watch love in the air since that one has 13 eps with like an hour duration each. this is just my opinion tho.


I really like your reaction and can't wait to see how you react to the second one. The second season/movie is amazing! It really dives deeper on their personalities and why they are the way they are because of their backgrounds and upbringings. The storyline becomes more detailed, and it honestly leaves you on a rollercoaster of feelings ranging from anger (wanting to virtually scream at them from time to time) to sadness (HEAVY ON THIS ONE BECAUSE THERE IS NO REASON WHY I CRIED SO MUCH WATCHING IT) and perplexity, and you can just overall relate to them so much more. That's why I preferred the second season to this one because it felt more authentic and real in the sense that not everything is always perfect & that there will be ups and downs and difficulties to overcome in every relationship. *Still love this season though--it has my heart*


ALSO LOVE IN THE AIR?? OH- now that drama is something else😳


PLUS ONE to this suggestion tbh. It will take about 3.5 months to get through Love In The Air at 1 ep a week (14 weeks) vs To My Star 2 which is only about 4hrs


Thanks for this reaction!! Haven't seen this in so long, I completely forgot how confusing and at times infuriating this first part of TMS was. I was somewhat indifferent about this series initially; the K-BL scene back then was really pathetic and this was just one of the okay/better ones. But To My Star 2 really blew me away last year (!angst-warning lol), and cemented Hwang Da-Seul as my favourite director for Korean BL dramas. I knew she had previously directed Where Your Eyes Linger, but I found it kinda overrated and didn't really buy into the hype. But with Blueming and TMS2, you can really see how the director and screenwriter's skills grew over the years which I find really neat. Btw when the CEO guy, Pil-Hyun said "this is the 2nd time this has happened", it was a nod to Where Your Eyes Linger because he played a classmate there with that same name who saw the 2 mains kiss when they thought no one was watching LOL. So I guess it's supposed to be in the same universe as that movie/show. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to what's next! I do suggest just wrapping up TMS2 in 2 sittings instead of having 14 weeks of Love in The Air sandwiched in-between, but whichever way you prefer to order them, It'll still be fun!


p.s - Just a heads-up that LITA is rather smutty. Not sure if you have any Patrons on this tier who are minors, but maybe a small disclaimer at the start of the reaction so that they can excuse themselves would be good to do.