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*sigh*…so, I’ve encountered the same situation as last week with MTOPIA, you guys. Except this time, because the NEO ZONE album reaction was such a large file, I don’t have enough space with Vimeo to even split MTOPIA into two parts and upload at least one.

So, I’ll have to upload the full video Sunday morning, which is when my file space for the week resets to 0. Sorry, for the delay you guys. Part 2 of last weeks MTOPIA kinda took up extra space for my uploads for this week.







I know. It’s part of the reason I try not to film such long videos. 😔


Aww okay. No problem! I can wait 😊

Katie 80

That Baekhyun picture made everything ok somehow. Lol

Katie 80

Of course we understand, you are out here giving us too much good stuff apparently.

Britta Carlson

😭sad—but thankful that you’re so dedicated to producing this content for us💗 I’ll just have to take a break on Sunday from studying for my Pediatrics exam to come back and watch😎