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Hey friends! I mentioned this in my community post on my channel, but I wanted to post here as well.

I’m currently out of town visiting family, but will be back soon. Things will pick up where they left off next week. I won’t be able to film like I would like to this week.

However, the one thing I will film is the next episode of MTOPIA. I did say this would be weekly and I meant it, lol. So do expect this on Thursday like usual :)

I hope you guys have a safe weekend and week! Talk to you soon!! 🤗💙


Jenn BL

Darn it! I broke my arm last Friday from a fall and need content to fight the boredom!😫😂 Have a great time with family and see u when u get back!


MTOPIA will be up Thursday, on the bright side lol, also, I’m sorry about your arm though 😔

Katie 80

Yay, happy we get Mtopia 😍. See you when you return, have fun!


Have a safe vacation! 🥲💚