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Watch "TRIPLES" on Streamable.


vansy valentine

Rj, it’s very difficult for us to watch these shows on streamable files because it’s lagging a lot, and you can’t even properly watch it on your phone


I'm sorry you're having this issue. I'm not totally sure how to fix this for you. I noticed you said "us" but I personally haven't had any other patrons reach out or mention any difficulties since we started using it, so have you heard this from another person? My hands are a bit tied with working this out because I am unable to upload them like before to Patreon because I have reached my storage limit.


There is a behind the scenes/cut content for badge wars 2. There's also a behind the scenes signal episode on the tripleS channel that's more on the side of filming the girls between the games/filming. Would be great to see those reactions in either another video or tacked on after finishing badge wars.