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Just for some context when Ten said he toured 'Kwangya', it's what they call the new (at this time) SM building! They probably literally took him on a tour of the new facilities, and he probably greeted a lot of staff- this was filmed after he had been stuck in china for 9 months (he went there with one manager to be a mentor on a dance show expecting to fly back and forth for a 4 month period, but covid lockdowns hit so he had to stay there the whole time). We got some livestreams with WayV where they talked about getting drunk and literally sobbing together after getting reunited but aside from that seeing this NCT Show episode for the first time was so surreal as a ten fan because we hadn't seen him with NCT members in so long!


Yes! Doyoung was in a drama whenever you hear the member saying seukka seukka they are making fun if actor doyoung lol. It was a cute scene he was in. They never let my boy breathe lol