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Yeah it seems like Death created Yeowoon's story so that Myungha could see from an outside lense that it's not right to say someone is just destined for an unhappy life just because of the circumstances happening around them. Myungha wanted to go in and change Yeowoons fate, and in doing so learnt that loving others and loving yourself can change someones future. Sort of like the classic movie "It's A Wonderful Life" but with Myungha observing someone else's life instead of his own. As for how "real" Cha Yeowoon's world is, I figure it can be as real as you want it to be (whether you consider it an alternate reality, a "game world" created by Death, Myungha's afterlife etc). Most importantly Myungha and Yeowoon get to be happy together in it, and it feels real to them, that's what's most important to me! I enjoyed watching this again with you!

Smitha Fernandes

Love this show so much. Myungha and Yeowoon deserves this happiness. So whether the new reality is heaven or just a simulation or he's gone back in time, i feel it depends on us. And in that reality Myungha has a chance to be happy with Yeowoon and thus teaching each other the importance of loving someone and loving one self. I came across this video on youtube, https://youtu.be/qDvkFequzXY?si=X2OB4s8RYJr8m3xg And the maker gives us more insights on this amazing show. Just give a watch and would love to know your thoughts. Thank you RJ!


Enjoyed rewatching this with you, this show is just so well laid out. Everything from the water sounds when he first enters the game, him becoming wet when he loses time, the connection of the sports brand team leader being his IRL ex and thus being able to remember him...SO good. Myungha was def dead IRL, not just on the verge...I agree with you that the senior could be some sort of reaper figure? God may be a stretch but Death seems a good possibility. As for the errors/glitches, the errors happened every time Myungha didnt choose himself/his own happiness.

Sam sam

the way we started off this series crying for yeowoon and ended it crying for myungha…. I love them so much this series is just perfect to me